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in the thinking for pre set tank for selling look for in out


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i been thinking about selling some small tanks like 10-20gal tanks

all ready set up with everything already cycle with fish and all im looking for some input back cuz a 10gal tank cost about 300-500 bucks set up i live in boise idaho area there not alot saltwater shop and few there are just dont shine the best so what ur guy/gals input on this to get more people in the hobby

the tanks im selling would have

10gal to 20gal tank

light hood with 50/50 bulbs or 2t5ho

a hob skimmer with power filter

have like 10-20lb live rock

30lb live sand


2 power heads

i would include all main test ammonia nitrite nitrate ph and alkalinity

a quarantine tank thats a 5.5

light for it and 50/50 bulb

fish food flakes and 8oz cube brine shrimp

2 light timers

50gal salt mix

and 2 fish

few snails

and shrimp or 2


is there anything else a good starter tank would need?

what the mini cycle like after tanks moved?

never seen a problem when moving my 10gal tank around the house.

all in a cycled tank ready for the basic care of the buyer

like have some people input on this or if i should add anything to the set up

because i'm really thinking about doing this i'll be smart start with one see if it'll sell then go on from there but trying sell the best set up i can so people be successful and want keep going in hobby.

never seen a problem when moving my 10gal tank around the house

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i wont full stock it all i do is put first few fish in like two clowns or like chromis i'd have a section on hand of few hardy fish to choose your starting fish since a 10gal should only have 2-4 fish and 20gal should only have about 4-8 fish where not over stocked.

and id probly have few snail in tank maybe a shrimp help keep it cleaned could even on right set up do small sump/refugium

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uhhh... one or two fish? this is a ten or twenty gallon tank we are talking about, that is is more than enough. as for parameters, they go crazy in mini tanks, so they would be harder to deal with and more frequent if there is a noob taking care of it... ? also. spending 300- 500 dollars isn't the most appealing thing for a new customer. fifty is better...


dont get discouraged! it is a good idea!!

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