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hey ben, heres a heaping spoonful of internal bleeding.

Ron Popeil

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heheh' date=' i've heard it's like crack, so i stay away.[/quote']

It is like crack. We never watched it before this season, even though we were told repeatedly that it was a great show. Then I rented season one from Netflix and we got hooked.


I'm really beginning to wonder what's up with the Dharma people. Talk about some guerrilla recruitment practices! (plotting)

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i will admit. its dangerous. even more so if you start at the beginning with the dvds. there are no commercials. no week long waits inbetween episodes. you just plow right through 40 hours worth, and dont even realize youre doing it.


and then, since you know the origins of all the confusing elements of the show...youre done for. you have to keep watching.


im having a hard time deciding who id rather marry: emilie de ravin or matthew fox.

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i will admit. its dangerous. even more so if you start at the beginning with the dvds. there are no commercials.


You have to watch the commercials though!!!! Dharma puts on commercials and gives you a phone number and website to visit. It's a huge reality game to figure out what Dharma is/does. I guess the game is over now though and I forget what the point of it was but I think because Portland, Oregon had the largest fan base for the game that that's why it was named as the "location" of the Dharma Initiative.


EDIT: Juliette - good person or bad? hmmmmmmm


Alexandria is Ben's daughter?!?!?!?! Wasn't she supposed to be the French Woman's (aka Danielle) daughter? Is the French woman part of the Others and when she "captured" Ben (aka, Henry Gale) , was it just a huge ploy to get him into the group?!?!?! AHhhhhhhg. Is Ben actually Danielle's husband that she said she supposedly killed off? yikes! I love this show.

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I watched the show for a while, but then got away from it for awhile...and have been trying to get back into it...I will probably rent all the seasons so I can get caught up again. It is a really good show...


I am worried however, that since the creator of alias is doing this one as well, that it will turn into alias. Where they try to get way to creative and have a whole bunch of stories going on and then it becomes way to confusing and overwhelming and you become not interested....but that is just my thoughts...

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word on the street is they already know how it will end. they really want it to end on a high, rather than burn out like x files did.


during the hiatus they realized theyd been focusing too much on just three characters, neglecting all the others. so the rest of this season is supposed to fix that. hopefully they kill off the two new characters right away, that spanish guy and that irritating girl. theyre already annoying and useless.


i loved that the dharma initiative is in portland. good stuff. i love our state.


and juliette...im pretty sure i could watch her drown and not feel sorry. as for alex, that is a tad bit confusing. ben has said he spent his whole life on the island. perhaps he convinced her everyone was sick after she crashed there, had her kill everyone off...then stole the baby he impregnated her with. WORLD DOMINATION IS IN HIS GRASP!



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  • 3 weeks later...

ugh. yeah man. i just wasnt feeling it. it felt forced. and....it was essentially pointless. i think it was meant as a feel good episode for the fans...but really, it just felt forced. just a filler episode. the van? what? unless they have some explanation coming, i dont even really see the point of introducing it.


the sawyer/jin dialogue was humorous. but other than that....come on.


i really think they need to start making the survivors look less and less well manicured. its been nearly three months. they should look a tad bit more desheveled. and hopefully charlie never shaves again. he looks so childlike.


its time we start seeing more locke. and maybe even a ben episode. and, as much as i used to dislike him, i want more desmond.

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ugh. i dont. michael was just a weiner.


"MY BOY!" was his only scripted line. in between whining and complaining of course.


and i doubt we will ever see walter again. i heard they had to write him off because even though the time line of the show was only two months, in reality it was some two years of filming. and little walt grew up...and no longer looked ten years old. something like that.

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what is that black smoke???? (huh)

And remember the big mystery animal from the first season that moved the trees, where did it go? is it in hibernation?


My favorite flashbacks are the boy, Walt, doing magic, curly and his craziness (nutty) and lottery numbers, the time traveling european, and the lady with the cancer. The rest are ehh, and i wish i could fast forward all of kates ones.


i hope this season we find out the point of the dharma project.

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the black smoke is the big thing that moves the trees. and yes, i wish we could find out a bit more of its purpose or use...its awesome. that noise is so scary.


and yeah, kate...is sort of bothersome.


i just want to see locke going around systematically assassinating all the dharma guys. he could seriously do it on his own. him and sayid.


sayid the madman.

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o i must have missed that. i watched the entire first season for the first time on dvd in one weekend or two. my eyes felt like they were bleeding, but it was great!

i dont think locke has it in him, but sayid- definately.

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o i must have missed that. i watched the entire first season for the first time on dvd in one weekend or two. my eyes felt like they were bleeding, but it was great!

i dont think locke has it in him, but sayid- definately.



I think it was revealed in the second season.



Does anyone think they're trying to get rid of Lost like they did with Alias by moving the time slot to 10pm? :(

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totally agreed. it had mystery. intrique. intensity. it had sayid AND locke.


and yeah, locke. good job. you and your [language filter] games. you just cant get away from them, can you?


i loved how sayid knew all along it was a trap. hes such a smart guy!


and im glad that one girl got shot. i always loathed her.


i just dont understand why locke and sayid just dont run a full coup de tat and eliminate all the others. theyre all so feeble and easily killed. they mostly just kill each other.

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its returned to its former glory. tonights episode fantastic. next weeks....probably amazing. its been a while since a locke episode...but a locke episode with revelations, at the others village, a confused jack....i mean....im moist with anticipation.


its about time.

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CRAAAAAAAZY. so did John wish that his dad was there or did Ben wish it for him? that's a crazy story. i'm glad we finally found out how John became paralyzed. I thought it would have something to do with that girl he met at the therapy session. Whatever happened to her anyway? Anyway, this story was much better than expected. I wonder if John's dad is Swayer?!?!!??!!?

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