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WTB scratched and dented 55-75 gal aquarium


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Hey folks...


I'm looking for an ugly aquarium that I can grow out Discus in. Looking to save money by buying ugly aquariums (or offer Discus in trade!!! I'll grow them out for you first as that's the hard part. 5 feedings a day and 1-2 water changes too.)





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I've got 3.5 inch Pigeon Checkerboards that I can sell for $30. I got a really good deal but I ordered more than I wanted. If anyone wants to get starting in Discus, I can help. My Discus are from Jeffery Yang.




ps. Doug, I'm interested... but Sandy... (will you take payment is Discus?)

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at the wet spot you can get basic ones for $30


A $30 discus from a pet store is going to be a very small discus (young) that will need feeding 4-5 x per day and daily water changes. It's not for the faint of heart (and... ready for this... they eat beef heart.) Mine still need this and they are probably older and larger than TWS's $30 ones. Once they get around 5" they eat less... but then they cost more due to all the work that goes into them! Mine probably retail at $110-$150 once they get to 5". I'll probably be selling them then for $50-$60 because I'll have WAY too many at that size (unless I get some sold sooner.)

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I know who to contact for my stock when I get my planted tank going please update me with your stock lists and prices when you start selling as by then should have my system going. Been looking for a quality source for discus as there nothing around here at least that I know of.

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I think I've come across a good deal on a 75. I don't have it yet though...


Yes, water changes are a bit of a chore. But it's not as bad if you aren't trying to grow them out yourself. I'm staring to understand the price difference between juvies and adult discus. It's a lot of work getting them from one to the other.


Let me tell you, I spill tank water and I hardly care! I LOVE NO SALT IN THE WATER!

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