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Need good DVD movie choices


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So my Netflix list is getting pretty low on movies. What are some good DVDs to add to my list from before 2009. Ive seen most of the newer releases now. I already have all the Indiana Jones, The Princess Bride, Goonies, Army of Darkness, Band of Brothers etc....... Feel free to list lots of titles. I thought we would never get through our list, but now we are down to like 6 or 8 left in our queue. I can't work and we don't get tv here, so I watch tons of movies.

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Two Lane Black Top, American Graffitti, Original Gone In 60 Seconds, Original Italian Job, Vanishing Point, From Dust To Glory, The Gods Must Be Crazy, Big Wednesday, Endless Summer one and two, Imax Deep Sea(narated by Johnny Dep), Two Mules For Sister Sarah, Resevoir Dogs, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, And The Big Lebowski JUST TO NAME A COUPLE OF MY FAVS

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Remember the Titans, Princess Bride, Second Hand Lions, Casablanca, the StarGate series, Pushing Daisies, 50 First dates, the Psych series, Sleepless in Seattle, While you were Sleeping, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Inception, Intrepid, Bourne Trilogy, Vantage Point, Star Wars collection, Jumper, the Sandlot, Ghost Busters, Harry Potter collection, Groundhog day, Runaway Jury, What About Bob, Dan in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Dr. Who, Big Fat Liar, Night at the Museum, Real Life, Evan Almighty, The Great Outdoors, Willow, Splash, Holes, School of Rock, Despicable Me, Shrek, Finding Nemo, Hellboy, The A-Team, Vacation, Galaxy Quest, The Rookie, Hancock, Taken, How to Train Your Dragon, Pirates of the Caribbean collection, Shanghai Nights, Shanghai Noon, Zoolander, Beverly Hill Cop, Beverly Hills Ninja, Narnia, Finding Neverland, School for Scoundrels, Nacho Libre, The Incredibles, John Tucker Must Die, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Cars, National Treasure, All Alfred Hitchcock, Rush Hour, Talladega Nights, Daredevil, Ironman, Iron Giant, Rocky (I, II, and III only), My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Pearl Harbor, Hoodwinked, Hildago, Spiderman, Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Elf, Signs, The Sixth Sense, The Best Two Years, Napoleon Dynamite, Spiderwick Chronicles, Chicago.


that will last you a week or so!

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If you are going to watch the Kevin Smith J&SB films, make sure you watch them in order, otherwise, you won't understand half of whats going on.




Chasing Amy


Jay n Silent Bob Strike Back

Clerks 2


He's got other other movie's he's done, but those are by far his best movies, to top it off, he's an absolutely awesome guy, him an Jason Mewes(pretty sure I butchered the hell outta that) both.

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An if you're into comics, you have GOT to pick up the series he's done, Green Hornet, Green Lantern, DareDevil, and there's a few others, but those are the ones that really come to mind lol, he completely saved several Marvel an DC comic series, just a really talented, extremely creative individual.

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