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Copperband butterfly


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About 4" lips to base of tail but maybe more. Well nourished, no mouth damage or fungus, not had ich in my care. Nibbles tips of aiptasia but not manjano and not seen eating other coral, but your mileage may vary, I feed 5x a day! I have had it about half a year. Must sell due to flooded basement, need to tear down tank and he's too skittish to put in a 20 til the carpet's redone.


pic of this and the filefish I have on another thread






pics are from october, fish are slightly bigger and fatter now




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I have this one in with my filefish. It's a spazz, kind of like a tang, and does not like too much activity around the tank while it is eating but the rest of the time it's not so skittish. So I put the food in and back off fast. They like to pick at things so if you can tie down their food that helps too. I put DIY or cubes of something with gel in a square of plastic mesh like you get onions in and use an algae clip to hang it. Works great for files, copperband. In the big tank that lasts about 3 seconds as the wrasses, tangs and clownfish love tearing into it.

Here is a picture from when the filefish were new and still skinny



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I think I have a buyer for the copperband.

From what I have read the long snouted fish tend to get injured during collection, shipping, transfer, etc. If their mouth is injured they don't eat. So that might be one reason people have trouble acclimating them. They like to eat that's for sure, they are pigs!

Generally when I get a new fish I put it in quarantine with greedy eaters that show them what to eat and act as dithers. Then I feed small amounts as often as I can and stay way back from the tank so as not to scare the fish. Mollies are great for quarantine buddies.


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Actually the person who wanted the copperband changed his mind as his fish were acting aggressively. Unfortunately 2 days ago the copperband ate 3 heads of Dendrophyllia so is no longer considered reef safe. I am going to put a hammer frag in his tank to see if this is going to be a regular problem.

Still have the filefish, which will need to be fed at least 3 times a day with food hung from an algae clip. It eats a little bit of stuff like mysis and krill but is so slow that it will starve if fed only that way.

So I kind of think I might be stuck with both fish, but still have hope.



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