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Thanks Roger-You rock!


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Wanted to thank Roger (publicly) for helping me move my "transition tank" from the Garage to my Living room- (clap)

I was going to let people know that I no longer needed help and appreciate those who offered to help but

BIG BROTHER-(enforcer)

Closed my thread, I was wondering if it was in the wrong area, which I assume so since it was closed. That's odd though, usually I see the threads moved to the right area not closed.

Hopefully I did not violate any forum rules by asking for help-(scary)

Anyway I thought I would post this thread to again thank Rgrcrain and segway slightly into a little "are you serious" jab at my buddy "Big Brother" who ever you are-

My apologies for being ignorant as to the proper area to ask for help(sad)-

Thanks Roger-

Please don’t close my thread-(nutty)

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LOL, I thought you closed your own thread Brad because the "real man" police made you close your thread because you were whining about heavy lifting!(laugh) Just kidding! You did a great job moving my 150 gallon tank and your help was greatly appreciated! (clap)I'm sure the closed thread was just a mistake or glitch in this new system as it happened so fast!. I have found strange things happen particularly double posts. I was going to comment as to how I could not help you with heavy lifting and I was going to use my "weaker sex" card. (I get 4 a year to use ;)) but your thread was closed!


And don't apologize for being ignorant.. we know you can't help that (laugh)


By the way Roger is a really nice guy! He picked up some light bulbs for us and delivered them to our porch!(clap)

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Threads back open-TOO FUNNY


Yes it was very nice for the quickness, I got 3 PM's, a phone call from Lewisriver and David offered to drive down form Hood River.


I will need to pay this forward for sure-Oh I am selling 75% of my SPS and giving 15% away as a coral bank-Roger you need to clear some space for a few frags ;)

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