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too make a long story short & not going into how he was able, I have a 2" blue hippo that managed to swim into my overflow 2&1\2 months ago. thought it had died & gone to reef heaven. found it yesterday, skinnier than a piece of paper, no color hardly, weak as heck. had to tear the tank down to get to it, another story about why. I think it will be alright, wifey calls it the "x-mas miracle."

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wow is right....that is crazy....reminds me of a diamond goby I had for a while there.....I thought he jumped out or got eaten or something....like 3 months later I was working in my sump and low and behold there he was. Guess I am happy I had that super small amount of sand in there.

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that's cool! Color loss may have been more due to being in the dark for that long more then anything. That may sound funny to some but I had a clown that went almost stark white every night. I found out when I turned the light on in the middle of the night once. I thought he was dying. He got his color hack after 20 minutes or so. I was sweating it though(scary)

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spends most of the time laying on a rock, resting against the back of the tank so he can't fall off, gets frisky when food comes along, getting color back already, so i think he will make. usually when it is as bad a shape as this one, other fish run them to death, cause they don't want the sick, lame & lazy around. no one bothers him at all, lets him, lets him lay around. expecting a group fish hug here shortly.

on another note, see the pic where my rbta is riding around on a snail.. never mind, will post it later, dinner gotta resize it

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