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Bad news coral...


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wegotijs said: I always try to frag it about a inch above the line were the flesh is coming off . Pull it out and see if it stinks if so that's about the only choice. Is the flesh pealling away or could it be nudibranches.


My response: the flesh just seems to be coming off. I don't see any nudibranches...

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The bottom left of the coral appears 3-4 nudibranchs?


I'm looking closely at the pic and also at the coral, but can't see what you are looking at. Are monti eating nudi's around the same size as zoa eathing ones? Just so I know the size I'm looking for...

There are some brown spots on my glass...

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Well, my skimmer has been going crazy for a while, so I've changed about 5 gal every two-three days because of that. My Efflo has also had a major die off. I just checked my hardness, 9 dKH, and Ca, 370. I have three wrasses, green corris, 6-line and leopard. I have a huge refugium and haven't checked my nitrogen cycle stuff in ages. The coral's been in the system for 3 months I'd guess. I still don't see the Nudi's. How big are they? Compared to zoa eating Nudis?

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So what do I need? Or should my wrasses be enough, suggesting that it's something else?


The spots Perry circled are what i was looking at. They could still be nudis, they blow off pretty easy.


If it is nudis, Lugol's won't do anything. The nudis will just laugh at you.

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You don't want to hear it, but if it is monti eating nudis, you need to remove every single montipora from your tank and into QT. You need to do weekly dips in KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) or strong dips in something like Revive or TMPCC until there are no longer nudis present. It will take a minimum of 8 weeks to be sure there are no longer any adults in your display.


I hope you don't have them. I battled them a few years ago for over 4 months and ended up tossing all my montis in the trash.

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my yellow corris wrasses eradicate them, i'm surprised you have them with 3 wrasses in your tank and the fact that you have an efflo that died as well is suspect of water parameters, but i would still keep an eye out for nudi's, you can spot them with the naked eye, they look like this. http://www.qualitymarine.com/News/Feature-Articles/The-Montipora-Eating-Nudibranch-(09/11/06) and they are typically very small and hard to spot at first, you really have to look close and long to find them. look for movement of their appendages swaying in the water current.

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You got lucky' date=' my yellow coris wrasse didn't touch em.[/quote']


i have 3 of them, they also eradicated a severe flatworm infestation that came in on a brain. they are a must have wrasse in my opinion, especially since they are community fish you can have multiple in a tank.

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I love mine too' date=' but it doesn't touch ANYTHING. No pods, no flatworms, no nudis, no worms NOTHING. Well other than the food i'm trying to feed my corals (laugh)[/quote']


it is true, i find that fish get lazy once they figure out their food source comes to them. i like to add wild caught wrasses every once in a while just to keep them fresh. :)

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I see what you guys are talking about, but look where the major RTN is happening...away from the so called nudis. Monti Nudis are easy to spot. They're the ones without any clothes.


Looks like the part that has totally died is partially shaded?


Scott, I would think it is more of a chemistry issue, especially knowing that the Acro Table is also dieing off...Monti nudi's wouldn't touch that beast. I don't think this is coincidence. Test your phosphates...how about the bulbs above your tank? I only say that because the picture shows a pretty shaded coral.

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