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Spa tubing-This stuff stinks


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I picked up some Spa tubing from Parkrose Hardware since I am going to redo my sump. This stuff stinks something terrible-I scrubbed it inside and out but was curious, does this stuff leach out anything bad for the tank.


I have the same stuff on a 40b I set up and have had that running for nearly a month and all the threads I've read say it is not an issue but man this stuff stinks-(laugh)


Anyway just curious if anyone has had any issues

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wonder if it was stored outside rapped' up in plastic and got moldy. I have never bought any tht stunk but have had it stink if I store in outside. Take it back. Would you want to breath the water if you lived in it? Or drink water running through it?

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its all good-It just had that rubber smell, but it was a little stronger than usual.

I plumb it all up last night, fine tuned it today and all is good!!

I tried the Hofer Gurgle Buster that I saw Snowpunk post up-OMG that thing is quiet.




After the rework I did, my tank is so quiet I keep looking in the sump to be sure everything is on. I hope that Hoffen Feffer thingy is ok to use on down tubes as well as overflow boxes- (laugh)

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I tried the Hofer Gurgle Buster that I saw Snowpunk post up-OMG that thing is quiet.




After the rework I did, my tank is so quiet I keep looking in the sump to be sure everything is on. I hope that Hoffen Feffer thingy is ok to use on down tubes as well as overflow boxes- (laugh)


(laugh)lol... I did about a month straight of running down in the middle of the night to make sure I didn't blow a fuse or something because it was dead silent at the tank. It took a while to get used to the silence.:D

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