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Starting a 240G in the Great Room... Humidity concerns??


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Getting back into the salt game and starting up a FOWLR 240 gallon in the great/family room with 75 gallon sump in the garage. One of my main concerns is humidity in the house. (Size of house is approx. 3000sq and the tank will be in a big room next to the kitchen)


My plan is to keep tank lids on the tops of the tank and a fully enclosed canopy with an exhaust fan directly to blow outside.


Can anyone with large tanks (kept inside) chime in with any experiences?


TIA for any tips and suggestions.

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i've got a 400 Display + 150 sump + 75 frag + 55 refugium and haven't had a humidity issue yet. all the tank are located in the basement so i only have to run ac on the really hot days during the summer. in the winter we use a wood stove as our primary heat and that is really dry so I think that helps a lot.


I think the exhaust fan will be enough and since this is a fowlr i assume you won't have any metal halides heating up the tank and house in the summer.

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Regarding the garage sump. I did that last tank I had. Had about 120 Gal in the garage with all the equipment. Every tool I had that was not heavily painted rusted in a little over a year. The closer it was to the tank, the worse the rust. I will NEVER do a garage sump again - at least not without building a shed that is completely airtight except for a vent outside.

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i have a 125 tank with 30g sump, 120g standalone sump, 120 g frag setup and 55 gal mixing barrel all in the garage with no problems, all i do is make sure there is adequate airflow through the room. the trick is to get the moisture to evaporate, if it sits in the air stagnant it will cause things to rust.

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