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Sleep Apnea


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Without going into a lot of details of I how I got there but I have been diagnosed with moderate to severe sleep apnea. Apparently I quit breathing in my sleep up to 53 times an hour. I was prescribed a C-Pap machine which I picked up today.


So my question is does anyone else here use a C-pap machine and has it helped you? I am so sick of being fatigued all the time.



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I have a cpap and you will feel better the first morning you wake up after using it! It takes some getting used to, but my blood pressure went down to normal, I sleep better, no snoring, which means fewer nights on the couch, LOL. I can't sleep with it now.

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really you can actually sleep? i'm always up every few hours checking on my tanks anyways. LOL. Can I blame my cat waking me up at 3am every morning to be let outside as sleep apnea? All jokes aside, i hope this works out for you, being tired all the time gets down on the spirits.

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I was diagnosed a few years ago and haven't slept one night without my machine...I even take it camping...


As Bob said, it takes some getting used to but you will feel better...I quit breathing once a minute...


My wife is happier as her elbow doesn't hurt anymore (from elbowing me 20 times a night due to gagging and snoring)...


Use the machine! Fight it til it is your friend....I had a friend die in his sleep of sleep apnea...



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I have been told that I should have one.

But I don't like wearing masks or having things over my face, kinda get a claustriphobic(sp.) feel.


I wanna look into one of those mouthpiece things that are suppose to help.


Shane I wish you luck!!



PS- maybe after hearing all of this I should give a cpap a try. I'm sure the wife would be happy, since she complains about my snoring.

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But I don't like wearing masks or having things over my face, kinda get a claustrophobic(sp.) feel.


Mike if you are tired all the time, moody, you snore when you sleep or wake up gagging or don't know why you wake up when your asleep then you should make an appointment with your primary care manager and request a sleep study. I make a lot of jokes on here about my anger issues but that is what lead me down this road. I was so angry all the time and I would explode for no reason on my family, friends and co-workers. It seems that it stems from me not being able to get into REM sleep or when I do I quit breathing and wake up.


They had three different masks I could chose from. The first ones they called nose pillows and fit right into your nostrils or a quarter mask which just fits over your nose. Those weren't bad fitting but since I suffer from seasonal allergies I breathe through my mouth also when I sleep so I went with a full mask. The first two masks require you only breathe through your nose or you have to wear a chin strap to keep your mouth shut, but they are the most comfortable.


From everything I have heard this is supposed to be the end all be all for those who suffer from apnea and I am really looking forward to see if it works. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night. I will give you a update in a couple days to see how this works.


Thanks for the well wishes guys I hope this works.

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You may need to sleep with several different masks before you find one you are comfortable with. The full face mask feels as if a cat is sleeping on your face. The nose pillow is like wearing a snorkle to bed. If you tend to sleep with your mouth open, you might like the full face mask better. Like Bob said, it does a LOT of getting used to, but it is well worth it. Whichever mask you get, make sure the machine has a water tank otherwise the air is too dry. Be sure to clean it (mask AND hose) every morning or you risk bacteria build up.


Good luck.

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Mike if you are tired all the time, moody, you snore when you sleep or wake up gagging or don't know why you wake up when your asleep then you should make an appointment with your primary care manager and request a sleep study. I make a lot of jokes on here about my anger issues but that is what lead me down this road. I was so angry all the time and I would explode for no reason on my family, friends and co-workers. It seems that it stems from me not being able to get into REM sleep or when I do I quit breathing and wake up.


They had three different masks I could chose from. The first ones they called nose pillows and fit right into your nostrils or a quarter mask which just fits over your nose. Those weren't bad fitting but since I suffer from seasonal allergies I breathe through my mouth also when I sleep so I went with a full mask. The first two masks require you only breathe through your nose or you have to wear a chin strap to keep your mouth shut, but they are the most comfortable.


From everything I have heard this is supposed to be the end all be all for those who suffer from apnea and I am really looking forward to see if it works. I can't remember the last time I slept through the night. I will give you a update in a couple days to see how this works.


Thanks for the well wishes guys I hope this works.



I had a 'sleep study' appt all set up. But I never went........... did I mention I don't like doctors/hospital. Maybe I'll try again.

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I've been a hosehead for about 6 years. it took some getting used to for sure. There were mornings that I woke up & my mask was on the floor & I don't remember taking it off. but now it's a toss up on who I'd save first in a fire my cpap machine or my wife. In all honesty I do believe that it saved my life. I'm a truck driver & was constantly falling asleep while driving(not a good thing to do with 11,500 gallons of gasoline) Now I can stay awake all day.(clap)Good for me and those around me on the highway! I have an APAP, it's an auto adjusting machine that adjusts the pressure to whatever my breathing needs are. Good Luck, There may be some rough nights in the beginning until you get used to it but it will be well worth it after you remember what a nights sleep feels like! Mike

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My dad got one about 10 years ago...From the first model to the now new, nice, quiet ones, they have all made a HUGE difference in his life. The only concern is learning to sleep on your back, and making sure they are adjusted properly (My dad isn't using the right one right now and he can still snore through it sometimes). Also if you are a light sleeper, the static white noise from it might annoy you or your bedmate. Now he keeps an extension cord and surge protector in his case for traveling so he can always use it wherever he goes...They really do work.

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I was diagnosed a few years ago and haven't slept one night without my machine...I even take it camping...


As Bob said, it takes some getting used to but you will feel better...I quit breathing once a minute...


My wife is happier as her elbow doesn't hurt anymore (from elbowing me 20 times a night due to gagging and snoring)...


Use the machine! Fight it til it is your friend....




It is not a joking matter Dr and bob said it good. I don't even take a nap without it. Have a batterie and inverter for camping. I had every body come in to show them what I looked like with the mask so they all could have a good laugh at the same time. I simply told them at "this thing keeps me alive at night"


There is nothing romantic about it either. Just look in the mirror!!DOH! Just remember to take it off during so you don't sound like a freekin overworked Darth VaderDOH!

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I was diagnosed 12 years ago as "extreme". I also do not like masks,hats,jewlery etc. on my body. I researched my options and qualified for a radio wave surgery that "burns" the upper pallet and larynix. It changes the shape of the inside of your throat and mouth, altering with scar tissue to a normal pathway. I had it done twice and reduced my episodes dramtically during the post op sleep studies. Still snore a little, have good rem sleep, breath 100% during the night and only lash out/short fuse with stupid people.lol oh and no mask! You should look into it.

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I researched my options and qualified for a radio wave surgery that "burns" the upper pallet and larynx. It changes the shape of the inside of your throat and mouth, altering with scar tissue to a normal pathway.


Ummmm.....sounds extremely painful.



First night with mask on was not pleasant. I don't mind the mask on my face so much (even though I feel like I am in an Aliens movie) it's the not being able to get comfortable as I am a side sleeper.


This is going to take some getting use too.

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Side sleeping is very possible with mask...just takes a little practice...I sleep for first 4 hours on my back...I don't think I even move...then start to shift and finish night on side...you will eventually reach a point where you can't sleep well without it...fear of not waking up someday is a motivator for me as well



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I use a nasal pillow setup & can sleep on my side,stomach,back.


I am researching a cpap pillow. It has all the cut outs for masks and such and lets full mask users sleep on thier sides. I think I am going to try the nasal pillow mask in time right now it just felt like way to much pressure up my nose.

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