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Calvin, do you have a permanent IP address? If not then as soon as your ISP resets their system (which they do intentionally to prevent this) you will loose the connection. There are ways around it but it's not just a simple matter of connecting to the IP address it was last at.

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yeah i know i need a static ip address because my current ip address is dynamic. qwest charges more for a static ip address so i'm not sure if i'm going to bother getting the static ip address. they claim my dynamic ip address only changes when we loose connection or power. it's been the same ip address for about a week.


i posted here to see if i have any other options.

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yeah i know i need a static ip address because my current ip address is dynamic. qwest charges more for a static ip address so i'm not sure if i'm going to bother getting the static ip address. they claim my dynamic ip address only changes when we loose connection or power. it's been the same ip address for about a week.


i posted here to see if i have any other options.


all you need is a dynamic dns service, there are several free ones out there. no need to pay for a static ip.

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Rick is correct to an extent. ISP's typically do NOT reset your IP....I had the same IP for over a year with Comcast, then 2 years with the same IP under Verizon, 1 year same IP with ATT, 3 years same IP Cox....and so on. You can go Dynamic to prevent loss of connectivity, or simply enable notification on your router if it is a newer one. Mine sends me an email informing me of the IP change. That way you just enter the new IP and you are done. Just let me know if you want some help and I will take care of it.


So things to address, lag in connectivity, and either dynamic DNS or notification schedule. It is NOT your internet speed that is affecting your connectivity, not according to my ping....uh....test....I guess test sounds better than attack right? Anyway, your return rate is fairly high so I am confident in it not being a speed issue.

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Nice! Is your tank bare bottom?


no it's not but i got some mp40's and i put them on the back of the tank and they have pushed all the sand away from the front of the tank. i plan on moving the mp40s to the ends of the tank eventually. the only thing good about not having sand near the front of the tank is i don't have to worry about it when i'm cleaning the acrylic.


that trigger is looking nice. what is your speed out there?


the trigger is doing great, he's a real pig. i have qwest dsl service and it's 7 mbps so not very fast but the cheapest i could find.

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Thats cool, loaded right up on my computer. I have two of those but have not hooked them up yet.I have the Vuezone cams on mine but they are battery operated and only come on when you log on. They worked great when we travel, I have one on the sump water level and one to see the tank, its really nice just to be able to see your tank when you are out of town

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its really nice just to be able to see your tank when you are out of town


yeah, it will be nice to be able to see the tank while i'm gone. i sent the link to my family and some friends and they all think i'm crazy for having a camera on the tank. so does my wife and her parents.


I wish I could figure out how to do that


i would say it wasn't that hard to setup and i'm not good with computers. i did have to call technical help for the setup of the camera but they answered my questions quickly.

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Just tell if you need someone to take care of the tank when you are away


thanks for the offer but i will have the in-laws feeding them on a regular basis, they've done it before and i have them trained. in case of emergency Bryan(undrtkr_00), Dennis(dsoz) and Jon(wegotjs) all live less than a mile away.

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I think this might be what you are looking for


Looks like Linksys/Cisco has a 3rd party with a 90 day trial for a DDNS service. Essentially you register for an account with TZO and then match your camera up with that account and then TZO keeps track of your IP address and adjusts if it changes. I'll bet that you can choose other services from a drop down menu within the camera web interface but I'd try the TZO since it's free for 90 days.

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