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What has been donated?


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Well I have digged and asked around and have been unable to find out what all has been donated to the club by our sponsors. Seems this information is kept close to chest and I don't know why.


So can we see a list of all the coral and equipment that has been donated and by whom so we can show our appreciation to those sponsors.


Thanks in advance


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News to me


I did not know that sponsors donated anything other than the Grow out comps that list who donated what-


Not wanting anything donated or need anything, its just a surprise to read this.


Why would they donate or "who" would they donate to?


I guess TFT, but that is all besides a summer BBQ or Xmas party.


Is it OK to say CHRISTmas

on here or is it a holiday party-(puke)(puke)(puke)


Dont get me started-:eek:



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OK....I feel this thread is heading in the wrong direction. This was not to start drama....this thread was mostly to find out what was donated and by whom so some appreciation can be shown by those of us who can't make every meeting to keep track.


This is as close to a "drama" emoticon as I could find.(bored)

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I did not know that sponsors donated anything other than the Grow out comps that list who donated what-


Not wanting anything donated or need anything, its just a surprise to read this.


Why would they donate or "who" would they donate to?


I guess TFT, but that is all besides a summer BBQ or Xmas party.


Is it OK to say CHRISTmas

on here or is it a holiday party-(puke)(puke)(puke)


Dont get me started-:eek:




From my understanding the donations are made in lue of paying fee's....you are given an option when becomming s sponsor to either donate or pay.

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OK....I feel this thread is heading in the wrong direction. This was not to start drama....this thread was mostly to find out what was donated and by whom so some appreciation can be shown by those of us who can't make every meeting to keep track.


This is as close to a "drama" emoticon as I could find.(bored)


Eric, what is your need to know? Why the sudden interest in what has been donated? I don't understand?


This is more of a discussion for the BOD than a sponsor. The companies that donate get recognized during the Summer BBQ and the holiday party. Others that donate to TFT usually gets a public thank you from MR S when things get to him. I don't see the need at this moment to list everyone and everything.



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OK....I feel this thread is heading in the wrong direction. This was not to start drama....this thread was mostly to find out what was donated and by whom so some appreciation can be shown by those of us who can't make every meeting to keep track.


This is as close to a "drama" emoticon as I could find.(bored)


Man, you can't just throw a stone but hide the hand (laugh)

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Eric brings up a valid point. Where does everything go. There should be some sort of post in the members section stating finances, donations and such. Its a fair question and not one that board members should get all up in arms about unless there is something the BOD doesnt want them to see.

Well Eric, if you showed up to the meetings you'd know, because at every meeting where items have been donated, they're raffled off and we find out who donated and what they donated.


Not everyone can make it to meetings, nor should they be "required" to attend a meeting to find out. It should be member knowledge.

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Eric brings up a valid point. Where does everything go. There should be some sort of post in the members section stating finances, donations and such. Its a fair question and not one that board members should get all up in arms about unless there is something the BOD doesnt want them to see.



Not everyone can make it to meetings, nor should they be "required" to attend a meeting to find out. It should be member knowledge.


Like I said this information is provided at the summer BBQ and holiday party. Also in public thank yous from those that received donated goods. There is also a financial statement that goes out to all those paid members in the members forum. I will discuss with the BOD the possibility of also sending out a who donated what list when the financial statement is sent out.



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I only took over as VP recently so I have no idea if such a lists exists. The BOD is not trying to hide anything.


As I understand it the only time we ask for donations is for the BBQ, Christmas party and TFT and we let everyone know at that time what came from who and where. I am still learning and could be wrong though.


I believe when the invites go out for such events it is also listed in the forum and invites what has been donated and is available for raffle, door prizes and such. Usually at that time thank you's and appreaciation is shown to those who contributed.


Eric don't take this the wrong way but I also question your reasoning behind a "list"?!? Is it your intentions to post thank you's to past and current sponsors for past donations or are you looking for some other reason?



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I only ask as I am curious and I have been asked by others on occasions. My only thought is since I have been a member I was never shown anything that was donated. I am not saying nothing was as I have talked to people who won things from Xmas meetings and so on. But I would like to know what all has been donated and by whom. For one reason it would give a good idea of what all some sponsors have done for this club.


To be completely honest I was mostly interested in seeing what Jody has donated as he has beautiful stuff and not all of it hits his site. But that got me interested in the rest of the stuff as well. I know we have had sponsors such as Sunlight Supply but don't ever recall seeing a lighting system given away at a raffle.


There is no hidden agenda here. I know as Grassi stated that I seem to be "throwing a rock and hiding the hand" and maybe that is because of some coincidence between this thread and other posts I have made. But I assure you there isn't. I honestly don't want to see this get blown outta proportion like other topic's have in the past. But I am a firm believer that most of these "flare up's" could have been avoided if the initial questions posted were answered and not dodged or had some defensive response. I would have assumed that our VR rep would have known this but the response I got was a little less informative than I was hoping for....and a bit more defensive IMO.


It doesn't make things look good and starts to give the wrong impression. At any rate, I am not necessarily saying that the BOD has dodged or purposely avoided this but I have requested this a couple times before I became a sponsor.


I know TFT donations are pubiclly acknowledged which I think is a great idea. But all of this started for me when TECO had to request a reciept for his donations...made me wonder if any of this is being kept track of. Seems it would be a horrible injustice for it not to be, so I assumed this was a simple request to be answered.


I am apologizing now if I am stirring up any more "drama" but again IMO things like this should already be public knowledge through public acknowledgements or at least a list that can be posted. Donating sponsors I am sure would appreciate it.

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sticking my nose in


I only ask as I am curious and I have been asked by others on occasions. My only thought is since I have been a member I was never shown anything that was donated. I am not saying nothing was as I have talked to people who won things from Xmas meetings and so on. But I would like to know what all has been donated and by whom. For one reason it would give a good idea of what all some sponsors have done for this club.


To be completely honest I was mostly interested in seeing what Jody has donated as he has beautiful stuff and not all of it hits his site. But that got me interested in the rest of the stuff as well. I know we have had sponsors such as Sunlight Supply but don't ever recall seeing a lighting system given away at a raffle.


There is no hidden agenda here. I know as Grassi stated that I seem to be "throwing a rock and hiding the hand" and maybe that is because of some coincidence between this thread and other posts I have made. But I assure you there isn't. I honestly don't want to see this get blown outta proportion like other topic's have in the past. But I am a firm believer that most of these "flare up's" could have been avoided if the initial questions posted were answered and not dodged or had some defensive response. I would have assumed that our VR rep would have known this but the response I got was a little less informative than I was hoping for....and a bit more defensive IMO.


It doesn't make things look good and starts to give the wrong impression. At any rate, I am not necessarily saying that the BOD has dodged or purposely avoided this but I have requested this a couple times before I became a sponsor.


I know TFT donations are pubiclly acknowledged which I think is a great idea. But all of this started for me when TECO had to request a reciept for his donations...made me wonder if any of this is being kept track of. Seems it would be a horrible injustice for it not to be, so I assumed this was a simple request to be answered.


I am apologizing now if I am stirring up any more "drama" but again IMO things like this should already be public knowledge through public acknowledgements or at least a list that can be posted. Donating sponsors I am sure would appreciate it.




A very well executed response. It is very tough these days to communicate effectively through email,texting and posts without the initial statement being taken off key or jaded. Without the human voice and its melody of influctuations throughout a conversation you can only now rely on one sense and how you interpret what you read. Not trying to redirect the thread,but at times I have offen wondered what direction you are going with your inquiries and sometimes directness or lack of cybertron couth. I'm no where from perfect,but thought you deserved a "electronic pat on the back" for the above mentioned.

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We should have a clubhouse with shared tanks. Built and filled with donations, maintained by club's members. And give back to the ocean what we have taken previously. We should try to get some funds and open it to the public and schools on occasion, and show them the secrets of the life underwater. It could be the starting point of the Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium :)

See, my romantic and peter pan side is now out! lol

Just joking (scratch)

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We should have a clubhouse with shared tanks. Built and filled with donations, maintained by club's members. And give back to the ocean what we have taken previously. We should try to get some funds and open it to the public and schools on occasion, and show them the secrets of the life underwater. It could be the starting point of the Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium :)

See, my romantic and peter pan side is now out! lol

Just joking (scratch)


No kidding. If the model railroaders can have a clubhouse we should have one also. Quick, some rich member die and leave a piece of property to the club.


On a different note - maybe there should be an annual 'sticky' thread under the members only section that keeps track of all donations as they are made?


Also I think people need to use some tact instead of throwing around insinuations that any of the BOD or officers are hiding anything. Take a chill pill, give them some time to respond and realize they are operating within the established club guideline and practices.

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Grassi, I am totally down for that. I would definately chip in however I can


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Let's do it (rock2)

Really, everyone and his dog has a clubhouse. And I feel most of our members will be more than happy to give their time to build it. We could host the meetings, sharing experience and so on. And when then in-law are visiting you have a place where to go!

Marc, we really don't need to wait somebody to die for this lol

Sorry, a little out of topic... back to the discussion

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I know from being a past Officer of the club that all donation that were recieved for the Xmas Party and the Summer BBQ have always been listed in a thread about the event.


Now when the club recieved a donation that was gotten on a month with just a 'normal' meeting it has been taken to the meeting and is used as a raffle/door prizes. So if you do not make it to a meeting you might never know a donation was recieved. I know this happened not to long ago when some Rod's Food was use a a raffle/door prize.

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We should have a clubhouse with shared tanks. Built and filled with donations, maintained by club's members. And give back to the ocean what we have taken previously. We should try to get some funds and open it to the public and schools on occasion, and show them the secrets of the life underwater. It could be the starting point of the Pacific Northwest Marine Aquarium :)

See, my romantic and peter pan side is now out! lol

Just joking (scratch)


I think this is a pretty nifty idea myself. I'd be willing to help however I can if this actually starts getting momentum....

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