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promise to post some pics soon but I have another question....


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was watching my (new to me) 14g nano last night and now noticed I have bristle worms in there. from what I've read - not a big deal if kept under control. I only saw one, but guessing where there is one...there is many.


So, question is - given the current livestock I have (2 Ocellaris Clowns, 2 Cleaner Shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimp)... is adding a small 6 line wrasse going to be too much for that small tank? I don't want to stress out the clowns. Or theres no need to add anything unless I start seeing a bunch of bristle worms in there. guessing stretched out, it was probably around 1" long.




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Yay, another person with a nano. We have a 12g aquapod with 1 blue damsel and 1 ocellaris, and we added the sixline a few months ago. No problems so far. It definitely helped with the bristle worm population, but we do still have some, which I figure is fine. I'm not sure if a sixline is really necessary for your bristle worm pop... sounds like the one you saw was pretty small and I'm assuming skinny, but in my experience, the sixline is a cool fish to watch and it has worked out fine in my tank. HTH!!

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if you get a six line just make sure its a smaller one. they can get a little aggressive so i've heard if they are established and similar in size to the other tank mates, although i've not had any problems with my 2 6 lines. one of which is in a 29g pod with 4 other fish.

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I think you will be ok adding a 6 line to that mix. You may consider an Orchid Dottyback or Neon Dottyback instead. You could even do a small female melanarous wrasse' date=' sometimes called a Chainlink Wrasse[/quote']


Or what I refer to as the rotten ****ing ******* ****head from **** fish-


The neon dottyback was the worst fish I have ever bought-very pretty for a **** head-

The fish has serious attitude issues, I am certain he was picked on in school and his mom made him dress funny-now all the other fish have to pay.


They are easy to catch in a nano-but when I moved him into my 75 gallon reef-well just do an advanced search for threads started by me and you can see how desperate I got to get rid of that SOB


Pretty fish though

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I personally will never own another 6 line wrasse again.... I have owned more than one and every one ended up being aggressive when i added livestock.


I hear this just as much as I hear something positive about the 6 line. I won't get one just cuz its such a toss up.

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such a great forum - thanks for all the input! So what I'm reading so far, it's not an urgent "must" to get the bristle worms under control - just watch it. I'm in the right ball park of fish for control if I need it - but aggression can be a bit dicey (I've found the same in my planted freshwater tank with different fish.)


and..... reefnjunkie really really has strong feelings about the Neon Dottybacks :) you got me laughing.


thanks again!!

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such a great forum - thanks for all the input! So what I'm reading so far, it's not an urgent "must" to get the bristle worms under control - just watch it. I'm in the right ball park of fish for control if I need it - but aggression can be a bit dicey (I've found the same in my planted freshwater tank with different fish.)


and..... reefnjunkie really really has strong feelings about the Neon Dottybacks :) you got me laughing.


thanks again!!


be real careful about taking advice from this guy, he's a little (nutty)

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