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Maroon Babies!!


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Clay, shoot Dave, Barelycuda a message, he can point you in the right direction right quicklike, he's our resident expert on clown rearing, and I've got a pair of his b&w babies in my tank right now. I think he's got something like 11 breeding pairs, 16 tanks full of baby clowns, and plans to add even more LOL.

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  • 3 weeks later...
My pair of Gold striped Maroon Clown fish layed eggs!! Does anyone have a website that I can read on how to propogate them? They are in the display! So, I don't know what I am going to do!!





How are they, did they hatch?

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Clowns fry can take up to six months to raise to adult hood. for sale. some less from what I understand.. barecuda would know the exacts more than I would being that he hatches more breeds and has had more experience than I. however its so cool to watch them grow. it was worth all I put into it. I can promise you that.

when they are hatched they are clear with a tummy then about 14 days, give or take, they metemorphise, getting colors like their parents some time with more stripes than their parents some time less.

You get to train them too. like to teach them about hiding and anemones. Getting to teach them to run to the other side of the tank when you clean so they dont take a ride down the tunnel of the scary bucket .. you get to teach them to live with currents in the water, and mine are very friendly. I have tought mine within two days that its pudding time AKA food time when the filters go off. they all swim out of their hiding holes to the top of the tank only when the filter is off. So cool

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  • 3 weeks later...

I actually had better luck with a tile, for laying eggs, but maybe beacuse my clowns are so big... and the anemone is so high in the tank.... and since it's a reef tank, it takes up less room and is hide able.



I had read in a book that you can also use plexi glass, or acylic for them to lay their eggs on. I am soon trying this.. so I will let you know.. I think it may work because my reef tank is plexi- glass, and the clowns lay the eggs on that already. And I dont want to have something noticable in the tank.

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