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Quarantine Tanks(need some help)


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Ok, so, I'm getting a small naso tang from Kevin with Aloha Corals in the group order, and I'm wondering who on here has a QT tank set up to hypo a fish, who keeps one runnin full time?


And if any of you do have one that's kept running full time, would you mind QT'ing my naso for me for 6 weeks or so, so I can make sure he's ich free?


Or does anyone have a filter I can hook up to my 20L so I can do the same?





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LOL no worries Jesse, hey man, you goin down to the meeting?


Besides, I don't wanna be the one to tell the gf that the tang I just had to have is the reason why her wrasse, which she loves as much as she loves her pitties, is dead, super bad juju man, super bad.

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Or does anyone have a filter I can hook up to my 20L so I can do the same?






I have a hang on the back filter with biowheel that would probably do a 20Gal tank for 6 weeks u can borrow. it will need a new filter obviously.


My 55G QT will be pushin overstocking as it is for a period of 6 weeks. I may setup my 120 as a QT for a bit instead. its in progress to becoming an SPS reef tank.

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I have a 39g tank (I think) that I have had sitting around forever that I used as a QT tank for a couple of fish. I used copper treatment in it as well. You are more than welcome to borrow it. It is 29.5" (wide) x 18" (tall) x 12" (front to back). I have a HOB filter with no media to provide water circulation, you just need to come up with a heater. A fish can do fine with no light, but I could probably spare a PC light to go with it if you want. Probably the best thing to do would be to light it up, and put some chaeto in there to take care of the nitrogen cycle. THen do 20% water changes every week (or sooner). THat has worked for me in the past.


PM me if you want to come borrow it.



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Not to be a buzz kill, but that fish will out grow a 40 gal in no time. My hippo went from the size of a half dollar to about 6 inches in less then a year.


As far as the qt goes, I have had both good and bad luck. I personally believe healthy fish and water quality is far more important then qt. I just had a bought with ich(for some unknown reason) and fed heavy with garlic for a few days and all my fish have recovered nicely. Remarkably I didnt lose a single fish.(knock on wood). I have fat and healthy fish so I really think that makes a difference.


Good luck, you may want to consider a tomini or something generally smaller.

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I know, that's when he becomes trade bait, I'm paying 12 bucks for a fish that when he outgrows my tank will probably be worth close to 50, it's a win win LOL


I'm a HUGE believer in frag tanks, you may think the ich has cleared up Josh, but it is still present and at the slightest sign of stress, your fish can pop back out, quickly.

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Ich is always present in tanks. It will always be there. The key is healthy fish. My tank has had no new fish in it in months and it just showed up again. Trust me, i know all about ich and more than I care to about velvet. Ich will kill unhealthy fish quickly, but healthy fish will fight it off. Survival of the the fittest. And Velvet will kill pretty much anything and fast.

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Actually, ich is an INTRODUCED parasite, it comes in on the fish WE put in our tank. So therefore, with PROPER quarantine procedures, we can keep ich out of our tanks permanently. Hyposalinity treatment for the recommended 6 weeks will guarantee that your fish are ich free, and if all of your fish that are introduced into your tank are properly quarantined, then your tank will also be ich free.

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A superb article on ich.


Even hypo is not a "guarantee".


I personally believe in Qting fish, but there are enough articles floating around saying that the stress of qt is just as harmful.




Another good article. All I was saying is healthy fish will fight off ich.


I am in no way an expert, far from it with my 2 years of experience, but I have experienced the pain of ich and velvet. I have gone through all methods of prevention and so far the one thing that continues to shine through is healthy fat fish. I can say everything is worth reading, but experience beats all the articles in the world hands down. Much like placing a fish whos recommended tank size is 125 gallons in a 40 gallon tank. For a couple month qt that would be fine, anything more would be stressful for the fish. You can qt the hell out of a fish, but put them back into a enviroment not healthy for them and your just gonna make all that work useless.


Not trying to be the Tang police that you get over at RC, but I have had my share of tang "failures" most came from doing exactly what your planning on doing. I would wager a bet that every LFS will tell you its ok to do it. I had 3 tell me it was ok to put a clown tang in a 55 gallon tank.DOH! Anyway, not trying to be petty about, it just trying to warn you from making mistakes like I did when I was starting out. Not sure that making 30 bucks is worth the stress you would put on the fish.


Just my opinion, not that it means anything.

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Hypo does not a quarantine make. sorry but you need the right meds, i recommend no light at all and a single place to hide.


I hope you have all been briefed on proper acclimation for transshipped fish. it is not the standard deal.


Luckily these are wholesale fish and only in the air for 6 hrs. Ocean to wholesaler to us. Makes the odds of survival go up. But I still acclimate slowly with drip lines, low light, reduce ammonia and clean qt tank with hiding spots

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