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I got new fish-no more dottyback


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Sorry a little background first-LOL


Some may have seen a thread or four that I posted about tearing my tank down, draining my tank, how to catch a fish-well after about 6 weeks I can say last week I finally caught that dottyback-that rotten SOB-I hope who ever bought that from Patrick knows what they got-not a fish that "plays well with others"


Oh and I did redo two-thirds of my rock work as well-pics to follow someday soon


I had actually given up the challange after I caught my lawnmower blenny, my maroon clown, my Purple Tang, my checkered wrasse, a yellow tail damsel-I swear I am missing another fish or two...


Anyway all seemed good with the dottyback, it did not seem to be the jerk I thought it was with the other fish gone. It was him and the other yellow tail damsel I just could not catch. I noticed he was not such a spazz with the tang and wrasse gone and thought they had a little to do with the anxiety in the tank.


So..... I decided to add some fish. I added a midas Blenny, a flasher wrasse, a vanderbelt damsel and all seemed to be going fine and then I went and got a yellow fin wrasse and that's when the brown stuff hit the fan-

Ol' dotty came back out of its evil shell and was killing this fish, just hammering it every chance it could-I got lucky and caught it before it died, returned it to the store and it survived and is still there I believe.


Well at this point I am very upset all over again and figure I will catch all the fish (the new ones) and literally quite feeding my tank and starve that fish to death if it was going to refuse to go after food in the trap.

I borrowed the trap AGAIN, made arrangements for Patrick (Saltwater Fanta Seas) to babysit my fish for a month or so, however long it took to get this sucker-I was not giving up this time.


So I set up the trap and added a cube of brine and closed the door on the trap waiting for it to melt-The trap had a 12 foot string that you hold the door open with fish swims in, you let go of the line.


Well all the fish are totally new except the damsal and the dotty. I open the door and the fish are all smelling the food trying to figure which way in. The wrasse figured it out 1st, and I was going to close the door and catch them one at a time and take them to the store until I was down to the dotty-AGAIN.

I decided not to close the trap, but gain the "trust" of the fish. So the wrasse swims out the vanderbelt swims in and is eating and the dotty is freakin pissed, darting back and forth fins flared etc etc. Well the dotty gets so mad ( I figure) and finally just swims in with the vanderbelt and down comes the door-I scream out......, well I cant type it, I have a bit of a trucker mouth, anyway after a year and a half of torment that fish is gone.

I did not kill it like I said I was, I did not bite its head off, I did not put it in the microwave, I did not cut one fin off and throw it in the tank with the grouper Patrick calls "Igor".

I let it live since it was my fault, or the LFS that never asked "so what type are the other fish do you have", or "what type of tank is it going into". These are words I have never heard from any LFS I have visited.

So I got 15 bucks and never looked back.


So if anyone is still following this, here are most of my new fish-

Everyone is classified as peaceful. It is funny watching a brand new fish go in and nobody gives a rip, they swim around like nothing new has been added or they don't care-I have not had that experience in nearly 18 months-




That's my story, and I can say a fish does not go into the tank anywore until; I go and look it up and feel its ok

Here is what I have so far

Midas Blenny

Vanderbelt Damsel

Filament Flasher Wrasse

Yellow tail damsel (the sole survivor)

Mystery Wrasse

Exquisite wrasse-from Africa, there are 4 species all from different parts of the oceans and all look different

Disbar Anthias

Red Flamehawk

2 clown gobies that never showed for the photo sshoot

red fire fish

and a sunburst anthias-still in quarantine-no pics-you should look that one up-very nice looking



Sorry for the poor pics-I told them to stay still

































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Thanks for sharing Brad (does this forum ever remind you of an AA meeting, not that I have been to one).(clap)


Knowing how fast you type this must have taken you a good hour or 2 to write the saga of the dottyback!(laugh)


Nice fish. I really love the Midas blenny. I was going to get one but the saltwaterfish.com group buy fell through which judging from another thread was a good thing.DOH!


Nice to see you talking about fish instead of just chalices!


Clown gobies are cute and I had one but got rid of it because Frank told me that they can damage the hard corals because they like perch on them and we were getting some white spots on our green slimer so I didn't want to risk it.(whistle) Fortunately they are real easy to catch. Just sucked him up through the tubing during a water change and he did fine and found a good home.


I had to kick out the maroon clown from the aggressive tank because he was picking on the baby clown trigger.

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thinks for the story brad. its nice to have a peacful tank and know that no ones pickin on no one. i am glad you finally caught that fish. of course i have had almost a play by play in the whole removal of all the fish. nice mystery wrasse i want one but they are a little spendy for me at the moment.


That was a play by play-(clap)


Kim I started drafting the thread on Tuesday of last week, I got done last night-(laugh)

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brad why dont you download a typing program on the internet so you can learn how to type a lil faster. i took typing in school' date=' and thought i will never use this but i sure am glad i did today! I still remeber most of it, but i have to look once in a while.[/quote']


I thin I am over stating, I am sure I am at least 30-40 words a minute, and pretty accurate for the hunt and pecker I am -


Open door folks-play off of that

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Brad, you can brag when you hit 75+ LOL


On a good day I can hit over hundred, if I don't pay attention to typos and what-not, if I want to be grammatically correct, I average 75-80 LOL



That an I used to be a gamer, WoW, when you run instances, you have to be able to type realllllll fast, especially if people are too stupid to run vent.

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Brad, you can brag when you hit 75+ LOL


On a good day I can hit over hundred, if I don't pay attention to typos and what-not, if I want to be grammatically correct, I average 75-80 LOL



That an I used to be a gamer, WoW, when you run instances, you have to be able to type realllllll fast, especially if people are too stupid to run vent.


Not bragging just think thats good for a "pecker"

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I have 3 dottybacks in the shop and no, i have not sold a single one for the reson you state very clear, they are mean little *asterds. we do have one with a grouper that we will rent out if you have a pesky damsel to get rid of but that is about it. they do keep my tanks clean i must say.

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I have 3 dottybacks in the shop and no' date=' i have not sold a single one for the reson you state very clear, they are mean little *asterds. we do have one with a grouper that we will rent out if you have a pesky damsel to get rid of but that is about it. they do keep my tanks clean i must say.[/quote']


+1 on Karma for you for not just selling it to anyone-pretty fish but attitude!

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