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Unfortunately I have to make a tough decision


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Well, it breaks my heart to do this but I have to find a good home for my ferret's. We have 2, a boy and a girl. Lilo and Stitch are their names. They are litter box trained and very loving....Stitch loves to give kisses....anyway with our 1 year old son and my wife being 8 months pregnant with our second I now realize that I don't have the time anymore to give them.


This is tough for me to do so please understand...my wife and I view all of our pets as family members....and treat them as such. So I am not going to just give them to anyone. I want to know they are getting a good, loving home with a family that will appreciate them and give them the attention they deserve. They are guarantied to make you laugh. I have a ton of supplies that will come with them including a double tall cage and an additional single tier cage for travel or whatever...we use it in the bedroom when we let them out so they have access to a litter box. We have bags of treats, 2 bags of food, I will buy you a bag of litter, carpeted cat climbers....which they love. Vitamins, ear drops, shot records, and anything else I have or you would need would be provided.


Again, this is not easy for us nor something we ever planned on doing. But at the same time, due to the love we share for them we recognize that we cannot provide them with the attention that they need. They are 2 and 3 or 3 and 4....sorry can't remember when we got them exactly. They are fixed and do not bite....unless you just ate a Recess Peanut Butter Cup....seriously...that is the only time they bit someone. They aren't too bad in the stealing department....don't care much for jewlery, but they do like leather so watch your wallet. Lilo is also notorious for stealing cash....I don't know why but on 2 seperate occasions I fell asleep on the floor when they were out and she stole $50 the first time and $200 the second.....and we never found it....but I did find 3 $20's under the couch when we moved.


I am going to want to come to your house should you be interested just to take a look and gain some comfort for their safety. Thanks for your consideration and understanding. I posted this in PNWMAS because I have come to trust several of you and consider this club as family, in an odd sort of way.


Here are some pic's....Stitch is the white one and Lilo is caramel color








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haha, those are some funny ferrets you got, sorry to hear that you need to find them a new home.


I got too many projects going on as well, they'd be cool in my house no doubt, but they'll probably need more attention than I can give them.


Hope you find a good home for them.

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Thank you Twitter....I have a hard time understanding people who don't treat their animals the same.


Mick, there is no pressure....I do feel like you guys would be a good home mostly from your expression on how much she misses hers. These 2 are great. But what you don't want to do is over extend yourself on something that is supposed to be fun....if it works out for you guys let me know. We are going to try very hard to avoid any sort of shelter or adoption service and I can promise you we will not be doing any thing that would separate them....I would rather make it work here. It just really isn't fair to them.

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If you absolutely can't find a home for them I will take them, depending on the price that is if you are selling or giving them away. I wouldn't want to see them get separated either. I have had two in the past and had to get rid of them because they didn't get along with a puppy I had??? Couldn't figure that one out. But I live in an apartment but have plenty of room and only have 2 parakeets. PM me if you need my number or more info.

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I have always wanted one, and yours are very cute but my GF's cat is the issue! It dosn't like sharing the family, we have tryed to get another cat and well she wouldn't have it. Good luck finding a home, have you serched to see if there's a forum like ours for them, it might be easyer to find a home.

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Eric, I will forward this thread to a friend of mine who has 2 ferrets currently. He is a fantastic ferret home and I'd definitely trust him with a couple more. They get run of his house daily, sleep in a "ferret mansion" at night, and he definitely treats them like family. I'll get back to you when I hear more from him!


Is there a cost associated with them? That is a question I'm sure he'll ask.

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Good luck with them Jules, if I had logged in today an he hadn't been able to find anybody, we'd of taken them LOL


[language filter] what the parents(future in-laws for me) have to say about it LOL


LOL I hear ya, I'm a sucker for animals as it is, and I have been without anything furry for a long time now, lost a dog 3 years ago and haven't really had the urge to get anything till I saw these little guys. :D I won't spoil them at all...(whistle)

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Glad they found a great home. Ferrets are arguably the funniest animal ever invented.

I remember when I had a visitor over and my male started doing the "War Dance", backed into a wall and started it all over again. My friend thought that there was something wrong with him. I replied "Yeah, he's a ferret".

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