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A new champion!


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I wanted to share that this weekend I showed in conformation for my first time. I've actively competed in several other dog sports, but never in conformation (the beauty pageant type dogs). Well, this weekend I took my dog Tag out and wouldn't you believe it? She finished an International Championship in a weekend! She even took best of breed on Saturday! I'm so proud of my kiddo! Brains and beauty!


Introducing Int'l Ch Ironhorse Antz in her Pantz.......




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Lol, I actually loved that movie, only because its so true! There totally are those nutso people....although I'll tell ya. Dog people may be eccentric, but they are WAY more normal than horse people....


Thanks for the congrats everyone. I'm beyond tickled with this dog. She is truly perfect dog!


Algae- I have space in class! Let me know! We'd love to have you!

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They totally should have coral championships! That'd be fun! Lol


Thanks everyone for the congrats! I am very proud of Tag. What I didn't mention is that Tag is 6 years old, and technically a veteran. She was the only aussie veteran so she competed against much younger dogs, and still took best of breed on Saturday. That said, the group class was won by a 9 year old corgi! It was amazing! Absolutely stunning little dog she was too. This is why I prefer the international circuit to the AKC, less politics, and the judges really look at the quality of the dog....regardless of age or the handler. Plus we get to see how our dogs stack up to dogs around the world, instead of just in the states.

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