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BRS Group buy somewhere???


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I ran the last group buy. I will probably run another one at beginning of April. I like supporting our LFSs as well, but there are just some things they do not have in stock, like pharmaceutical grade bulk/dry chemicals.


There is also nearly no way they can compete with the price...It cost me $2.80 per gallon for calcium and alkalinity. I use almost exactly 1 gallon per month. It would cost me a FORTUNE if I were to go with whats available locally (Kent, Brightwell, or B-Ionic). Then there is magnesium. It costs about $9 per gallon from BRS...try buying a gallon of magnesium from a LFS...

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SWF soon to have BRS products!!


I decided against it, I was talking with Patrick at Salt WaterFantaseas he opened an account with BRS and will bve carrying some bulk Mg, Ca, Kalk etc. give him a ring if you are interested- I have not discussed pricing but being he can see what we would pay, I can't imagine him making his costs more money-

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