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vortech mp40 in a 55g


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I was wondering if anyone has an mp40 in a 55g.?. Is it too much? That is what I plan on using when I build a 120, but I have dicided to stick with my 55 untill we buy a house (probably within the year). I would go with the mp20, or more powerheads (YUK), but I have a hard time spending money on something I know is temporary.

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MP 40 for sure and buy two if you get a better deal-With a 120 ON THE HORIZON,NO MATTER HOW FAR OFF, YOU WILL WANT A SECOND mp40 FOR THAT TANK-

i HAVE 2-mp20'S IN MY 75 GALLON-SAME FOOTPRINT AS YOUR 55. pOINT BEING, (OOPS) hate caps lock, if 1 mp20 for a 75 is not enough, 1 mp40 in a 120 wont be enough-it CAN work, but you wont be happy-IMO



As you can tell I hunt and peck-I have to look at the keyboard-LOL

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Thanks, I would love to do multiple tanks, (when I did freshwater I had 4 tanks)but $$ is super tight right now. I don't want to even spend the $40 on a temp Koralia. If I have to I will sell some stuff to get a vortech. To many dead spots now w/k1,k3 and 250gph return. Eventualy will have fish room with frag tanks like the best of them.:)

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