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Tear down coming...


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That's all I's can stand and I's can't stands no more...


My seven year old tank 135g is in need of an overhaul...the first 2 years it was fish only with live rock...I abused nitrate/phosphate/feeding rules and am paying the price...my reef/sps is prospering...corals are coloring and growing...but despite vodka dosing, zeovit aiming, bacteria adding, denitrator pumping, powerhead pushing, --my nitrates/phosphates have dropped to zero...hair algae continues to prosper and takes too much of my time and mental energy...I can spend hours a day working with only modest progress...there is obviously too much contamination in the rock...


My kids need my time--my guitar needs my lessons--I rarely read anymore and most importantly, the algae ruins my feelings about this hobby...


My overflow pipes need replacing...I am adding a new, bigger sump...upgrading my skimmer...replacing fried chiller under the house...bulkheads will have to be attacked...makes perfect sense to pull out corals/fish...replace all live rock and sand while things are in motion...shouldn't need help...appreciate the offer Brandon...hoping for 24 hour marathon turn around time...will be lurking but not much frag salvaging for the next 6 weeks until momentum built up and weekend free to dive in...


God, I wish I didn't love this hobby so much...it would be so easy to walk away...


Be back soon...DrMerle

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