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Help...I am picking up a salt water tank tomorrow!


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I am getting a 5x4x2 pre set up salt water tank tomorrow from a house that was forclosed on. The owner of the home was not able to take the fish with him. From what I am told there is live coral, and several expensive fish. How do I move this big of tank with out killing everything in it?(scary)

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Lisa, your best bet is to find someone close to you, I see your in Lebanon, I'm not exactly sure where that is, but I'm sure some of the guys on here do, and I'm quite sure some of them would be more than happy to give you a hand.


Do you have any pictures or any other specs on the tank? On its in habitants?


Thanks and good luck, it may seem daunting, but, you'll get through this just fine.

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That's a 300 gallon tank, moving it is no joke even for someone with a lot of experience. You need experienced help, at least 3 or 4 strong backs. Hopefully a member in Salem or Eugene can help you out. If not, try contacting one of the club sponsors (fish store) in your area and see if they can help you out -- even if you have to pay them for their time.


Seriously, moving a 300 gallon tank by yourself when you don't have a lot of experience can be dangerous. To the tank inhabitants and to yourself.

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The tank is in Salem. Do you know how I could find someone up there to help??? Also What kind of cost am I looking at a month to keep this tank alive??? I am taking them because they are in an empty house not being fed or cared for. I know nothing about fish!!! Are they going to be better off telling the new owner to Craigs list it?

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I didnt even realize the size, and andy's right Lisa. Get in touch with Garrett, he's got a store in Salem I believe it is, and I'm quite sure he'd be more than willing to either help out, or know of someone who can help. Whatever you do, don't attempt to move it by yourself, there's a very good chance that you'll get hurt.

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Cost to keep the tank going depends on a lot of variables, but for a tank that size you are looking at around $50 a month (probably more) in electricity costs. Food probably about $20 a month, again depending on inhabitants. Miscellaneous supplies, water, supplements, etc maybe another $25 a month. Soo, really roughly speaking, at least a $100 to keep it running. Almost certainly more.

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Call the power company asap and let them know there are live animals in the residedence that rely on power to stay alive..aka fish and a heater. Make sure you get the name of the person on the phone or their supervisor and make sure you let them know you are writing down the name,make them spell it or their last. It is illegal for them to now shut off the power. This will buy you a few days to get them and yourself safely moved. Pm'd you if you need help.

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Take em and if you want to get into the hobby, I'm quite sure one of the LFS's around Salem will gladly help you out, in either setting that tank back up, or downsizing and helping you out with all of that too.


Again, message Garrett, his screenname is garrettm85, his company is called The Premium Aquarium and his number is (503) 580-5716, here's a link to his sponsor information thread, http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14461, he's a super cool guy and I'm quite sure you will be very happy dealing with him.

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Cost to keep the tank going depends on a lot of variables' date=' but for a tank that size you are looking at around $50 a month (probably more) in electricity costs. Food probably about $20 a month, again depending on inhabitants. Miscellaneous supplies, water, supplements, etc maybe another $25 a month. Soo, really roughly speaking, at least a $100 to keep it running. Almost certainly more.[/quote']


I would say that the above costs listed are being a bit generous. a fully stocked tank of that size will probably run closer to $200 a month, or more depending on what type of lighting (and supplemental) requirements the inhabitants have. Talk to Garrett and see if you think it is something you can handle. Honestly it's more of a tank than most of us can handle I figure it costs me about $75 a month to run my 120G.


... maybe I shoulda read the second page..... ahhh well it's early yet.


... Looks like it's handled, g/l w/ the new tank.

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