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Potential stocklist questions...


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I've worked up a potential stocklist, and yes, I like to stock my tanks a lil bit heavy, we like watching fish LOL especially wrasses.


so, here goes:


1x Melanarus wrasse

1x 5-stripe wrasse

1x blue spot wrasse

1x fairy wrasse(hopefully a beau's if one can be found)

2x B&W ocellaris

1x shrimp/sand sifter goby, with shrimp

1x pygmy angel(not definite but its the only type of fish i really want)

2x tonga fighting conchs

5x nass snails


As for the rest of the clean-up crew, I have no clue and open to any and all suggestions.


I would love to be able to do all 4 wrasses, but understand if it is too much, but, I'd like to do as many wrasses as possible and still keep the other 4 fish mentioned.


This is all going into a 40 breeder plumbed into a 30 breeder sump/fuge, with between 10-15g of fuge. I'm running a skimmer rated for 110g and will be running both carbon and phosban as well as 2-part. I do plan on having a clam eventually, once my tank is mature enough, as well as an RBTA, along with assorted zoas, sps, lps, and various shrooms and rics.


I'd love to get some input.



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I have a pygmy angel that I have been thinking of getting rid of for the past 1.5 years. If I ever decide to evict him, you are more than welcome to it. It likes to munch on birdsnest, blue xenia, white xenia, and some acropora (not all). I have not seen it pick at euphyllia (frogspawn, hammer, or torch). It will, however, eat shrimp/silverside/krill that I am trying to feed to the corals (fungia, acan, hammer, or frogspawn). I have to cover the coral with eggcrate so they can eat in peace. Between the angel and the tang, I hate coral feeding time.



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I have found pygmy angels, 2 of them dont have a price listed, you have to call, and one is listed at 1600 bucks :P yeah, they get a lil expensive, but, as one person ive talked to has put it, those 3 are about as rare, combined, as the clarion angels are, and they run 2500 a piece lol well, lowball at 2500 a piece, i know a guy who paid 6500 for his



Japanese Pygmy Angel

Easter Island Pygmy Angel

Joculator Pygmy Angel

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wait, i'm confused. is there an angle called a "pygmy angel"? I was thinking of pygmy as the generic term for Centropyge angels (e.g. flame, coral beauty).


I'm amazed when people spend that much for a fish. You have to have a lot of disposable income - or a serious addiction.

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you have both dwarf and pygmy angels, the pygmy's are generally smaller than even the dwarfs


dsoz, how big is your pacific? according to everything ive read, they max out around 2" long or so


and thats about the average size on all of the "pygmy's" the dwarfs can get up to 6"

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LOL yeah, i had to edit it to add the ones


hey, its always nice to dream, right?


and if i ever have the money, i will have a pair of clarion's in my reef tank, it will be a very large reef tank, but i will have a pair of clarions


as well as at least half a dozen watanabei angels, 1 male and the rest females

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you have both dwarf and pygmy angels, the pygmy's are generally smaller than even the dwarfs


dsoz, how big is your pacific? according to everything ive read, they max out around 2" long or so


and thats about the average size on all of the "pygmy's" the dwarfs can get up to 6"


He is slightly larger than the pajama cardinals in the picture. Slightly larger than two inches, but fat and happy. Also hard to catch. I am going to need to tear out all the rocks to get him out. Not fun!

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