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Sell or trade Yellow Tail Damsel


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Good luck catching the little bugger... They know when you are trying to catch them and they hide in the rocks. You may have to remove everything from your tank and drain it to about an inch of water to be able to do it. LOL. I hate damsels!!!



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You guys stop bad mouthing them poor little damnsels. My two yellow tails don't make much trouble, even when they have there eggs in place. The rest of the fish get use to them and there zones.


All else fails get a Black sailfin bleenie. Mine hates damnsels and chases them allmost every chance he gets. But Yellow tails are a little better too.

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My damsel got a little to close to the big female false perc and she bite him by his lips and shook him violently he hit the reef and he hit the glass and then he hit the road. he now resides in a hole in the rock work on the opposite side of the tank and hides every time they get near. Like I said he/she calmed down.

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(enforcer) Now that’s funny because I have seen this happen in my tank and I though it was just my fish. Glad to see that other clowns can hold there own as well.


On the other note we no longer have any Damsels due to there aggressiveness and at some point if you plan on getting rid of him/her I wish you the best of luck.

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(enforcer) Now that’s funny because I have seen this happen in my tank and I though it was just my fish. Glad to see that other clowns can hold there own as well.


On the other note we no longer have any Damsels due to there aggressiveness and at some point if you plan on getting rid of him/her I wish you the best of luck.


Clowns are related to damsels, some clowns can actually get more aggressive than damsels, case in point is the Maroon Clown, they actually belong in tanks with larger aggressive fish, as they will try to bully anything that comes near them.


So I've read, I'm personally not that impressed with maroon clowns, so don't plan on ever keeping one.


But, I've read reports of maroons beating up on large angels, triggers and what not, so...........

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