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So... my tidepool grant didn't get funded..


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Hey people,

I have been hoping to start a second saltwater tank at my school with the theme of oregon's intertidal zones. My first is a reef that is primarily funded by me. I want to re-create a tidepool habitat in my classroom. I applied for a grant through Eugene Education Fund and was told I did not get picked today.(scratch) So, anyone want to donate to this worthy cause.


Click on the link below to read about my grant. If you want to donate follow the links.



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Hang in there. There are lots of grant possibilities out there. Try NSF or NSTA or even NOAA. They have lots of grant opportunities. I have always had better luck with grants from science organizations versus district stuff. You could also hit up the local LFS's to see how much they could donate. I assume you would gather your own livestock locally at the beach. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

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its sad that we don't teach oceanography in our schools' date=' i think the worst part about that is we are a coastal state and have easy access to beaches (with an hour drive) for most of the states population[/quote']

When I was in junior high, back, well, er, uh around '84ish, oceanography weather was offered as an elective in Hillsboro. It was an enjoyable class, but the weather part was grueling oh my. We got to take some great private field trips to the coast because of where we live. I wonder if they still offer that sort of thing anymore...or was it because of the teacher we had and his background...I doubt he's still able to teach, let alone still alive :).

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Wow, thanks for the support. I guess manufacturers is a pretty good idea. I'll get started on that.


I am trying to cover many oceanographic concepts through other topics. For example, we used to walk to the Willamette river and do water quality testing for the Globe program. Now, I have kids track aquarium water daily to cover concepts like solutions, pH, and so on. This year I will cover minerals and spend a little extra time explaining how organisms metabolize substances from the water column to create their own exoskeletons. We will investigate that in my reef tank.


Still, I want kids to be able to see new things in an Oregon tank and investigate it over a long time. I want them to ask their own questions about the tank then investigate their questions.


I do have a list to share, but I'm a bit tired this evening.

The gist is lights, a 75 gallon tank, maybe a 40 or 50 sump, some complex plumbing I'll need help with for tides and surges plus another strong powerhead , main external pump, several strong powerheads for internal wave action, wave controller, rock to be determined- (basalt, scoria, sandstone, concrete?) and a very big chiller- to bring down temps below room temp.

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DIY cement LR is a fun project for kids


what kind of lights do you want, i have a 2X96watt PC ballast i can donate, no bulbs or fixtures, just the ballast and end caps, so if you get a hood you can mount it in there.


Check out using some kind of water cooler (i mean like drinking water cooler) to cool the tank, and see if you can't get an acrylic tank they are more insulated. a kelp refugium would be freaking cool too, geez i'm excited just thinking about the possibilities


and remember oregon sand isn't aragonite, its mostly silica, cheap and easy to get at HD or Lowes

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omg, you know, this is going to sound really really bad, but i think he might have died. I feel bad now.


I'm not sure though, so don't quotte me on that

Well, I finally found my old yearbooks and OH MY GOD, the things that were written in there at that age! I better keep them out of my son's reach....wouldn't want him to read it....he would either learn a lot quickly or have too many questions I'm not prepared to answer! Like, why did Laura call me "Ronnie, the skinny sausage" and why is squeak, squeak written there between….? I forgot about all the scratch marks everywhere; I was paranoid my parents would read it and tried a cover up! We're we really that bad as kids? It's kind of scary!


I digress; come to find out it was Mr. Bill Evans and by the looks of his mug shot, he was pushing around 65 to 70 back in the day. He was a great easy going teacher, but man was he tough.

I wonder if teachers still dare to sign yearbooks.


Back on topic, you might check out the tide pool at the zoo for ideas; call the director of the department, maybe they could give you some good leads for donations.

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Why do you need to keep the green anemones when there are so many non-photosynthetic anemones easily had out there ? I purposely avoided the green anemones specifically to avoid halides on my cold system. Seems like a lot of extra expense to incur for just a single photosynthetic species.

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Why do you need to keep the green anemones when there are so many non-photosynthetic anemones easily had out there ? I purposely avoided the green anemones specifically to avoid halides on my cold system. Seems like a lot of extra expense to incur for just a single photosynthetic species.



I agree with Steve. It seems like a waste of energy to have your chiller work harder to dissipate the heat of your halides. There are many wonderful cold water species.



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