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Kung Fu Spider Crab

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After a year and a half of watching and getting other substrate and sand from more established tanks I bought a Mandarin.:D Spot lighting at night I was able to see copepods everywhere so I felt confident there was adequate food supply.


My question comes from what happened.... he died. I believe this is the result of being beaten up by my six yellowtail damsels and possibly my 3 green chromis. Has anyone ever had something like this happen before? I knew the yellow tail were very territorial considering they went after my arm anytime my hand was in the tank. I also noticed when I first put him in that a number of the yellow tail didn't like where he was hanging out.


The day before finding him nearly upside down I noticed he was picking up some sand in his mouth and seemed to be doing pretty good. There were a few marks on his body and my feeble attempt at trying to nurse him back didn't help. Of course I didn't try mouth to mouth.


Just wanted to ask if anyone has had a similar experience with these fish being so agressive? I've read up on the mandarin and felt comfortable with the needs and it appeared to be doing well the day before. Also, if anyone is interested, I'm thinking of getting rid of the potential offenders.



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Stomach seemed to look fine. I'm thinking he got beat up because when I first put him in the yellowtail swatted at the mandarin. I also then witnessed another swim by the same day. I just figured there needed to be a little time for everyone to get familiar. I also looked to see if there was the same amount of copepods, which there wasn't. Seemed to be a significant reduction in the number I was able to find on the rocks at night.


I like the idea of the lion fish, but he'd probably eat some of the other things I have too. Then I'd have to do something with him.

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I've read they will sometimes accept food that isn't alive' date=' any tips on that for future fish?[/quote']


check out melevs reef spider, all of his mandarins eat prepared food, he even has this deal he calls a mandarin diner, you'll have to look around, but, his site is well worth looking at, he's got an absolutely awesome set up


just click the bolded words LOL one is a link his website, the other is a link to his diner

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i have many mandrins and If a fish bites them the attacking fisht will die. I had a loinfish try to eat one and he died with the mandrin in his mouth. If you buy a mandrin always ask if they have seen them eat. Even if you have copepods some mandrins wont eat in captivity. they will starve to death. its very rare but I have seen them bred so if you can find a tank raised one than you will have better chances

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