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letter from a student

Mr S

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Dear Pacific Northwest Marine Society,


I would just like to take this time to thank you for all that you have done for our Hands-On Science Class. After a long day it is nice to walk into seventh period and see all of those beautiful fish and anemones in Mr. Stephen’s salt water aquariums. Mr. Stephen is constantly talking about the Pacific Northwest Marine Society and the new organisms that we receive from the club. I can’t wait to see how the zooanthid competition ends up panning out.


My class mates and I have greatly enjoyed working with the salt water aquariums, and have learned a lot about salt water fish and other organisms. It has been a great learning experience for the whole class especially for kids who had never worked with any kind of aquarium, except a gold fish aquarium. Mr. Stephen has showed us what we need to do and then let us do the work. The results of our work have been especially rewarding. I have definitely personally learned a lot about salt water life from working with the fish and organisms that you have so graciously donated to our class.


I would definitely look into this club if I was ever to have my own salt water tanks, which one day I wish to have. The joy in working with something like a salt water aquarium and then literally seeing that you have helped nurture another animal to health is extremely rewarding. We do a lot of projects in the Hands-On Science Class; this one is definitely one of my favorite ones because of how beautiful the reward is. It is because of generous people and organizations like you that we, as a class, are able to do most of the cool projects that we do. It is with great sincerity that I write this letter, and hope that everyone has a happy healthy holiday season.




A Grateful Hands-On Science Student


footnote: Besides regular science I teach a science elective called Hands on Science.

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That's good to here that what we do has an impact on youth. Glad you were able to set something up that they all love so much. I hope you guys do good in the GOC, or at least get a prize because I want to see what the class as a whole would pick as a prize. It's always interesting to me to see people that are less "into it" as us reef geeks are, choose what they like the best out of corals.


Good to hear and thanks for sharing that. Good luck guys!!!

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Thanks. Miles we also do the greenhouse. Now the new project is a rain garden. Had to get a plumbing permit from the city. We will be having a plant sale in April again. Be ready to pre order. Too bad we can't come up with a way to generate money for the salt water tanks.


Miles, see you on Tuesday.

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Thanks. Miles we also do the greenhouse. Now the new project is a rain garden. Had to get a plumbing permit from the city. We will be having a plant sale in April again. Be ready to pre order. Too bad we can't come up with a way to generate money for the salt water tanks.


Miles, see you on Tuesday.


Wow awesome. Look forward to seeing it the rain garden!!


Cya tuesday :D

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Glad to see things are working out. Sory to here aout he summer issues. Amd yes if I had a tank would help you out but for now my tank is down and no livestock. But I might be able to help so will let you know. Anything you are really after?


Let me know and fell free to pm me.

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Here at school now, was at school last nite. I am emailing my students on what we got. They are wishing they could come into school to check it out. Thanks again to everyone.

ps. although it does not make a difference, the author of the letter lives in one of the poorest parts of Albany. Just food for thought.

Have a great Christmas.

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I get the humor Brian. I have halides, t-5's and pc's. I have a pretty diverse set up. I can handle any frags anyone can offer, especially if you are cleaning house. Furthermore I think I could handle about any type of other organism someone wants to get rid of unless the fish is huge. I have a 55 macro tank hooked into the system with a devil damsel as the sole inhabitant. In my main system I am pushing about 210 total gallons. I also have 2 nano tanks. I will try to post pics of the whole system this next week.


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