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bulkreefsupply.com Group Buy: 01/05-01/11


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Im gauging interest in a PNWMAS bulkreefsupply.com group buy. Im starting this early to make sure anyone who wants to participate has plenty of time to get their money together and decide what they want.


I plan to submit the group buy request on 12/29 (1 week prior to the start of the group buy). The group buy will run from Tuesday 01/05 through Monday 01/11.


Heres what I need from anyone interested:

-Create a bulkreefsupply account (if you dont already have one)*

-Provide me with your first & last name (as listed on your BRS account)

-Provide me with your e-mail address (as listed on your BRS account)


*keep in mind that BRS upgraded their website and payment system about 2 months ago, so if you have not created a new account, you will need to do so prior to the group buy.


For those who have not participated in a BRS group buy, here are the details (directly from the BRS web site):


We have a unique way of doing Group Buy's at BulkReefSupply.com. Instead of requiring groups to place a single large order we give each group buy participant individual access to our lowest prices. There are no purchase quantity or order size requirements. Each participant gets the lowest prices even if they only buy one item. This removes the need to organize one big bulk order, collect all the payments, and distribute the order. And this also means Group Buys at BulkReefSupply are not limited to local clubs! That's right, because orders are shipped separately group buys can involve people from all over the country and Canada.



To set up a Group Buy with BulkReefSupply.com simply:


* Gather a minimum of 10 participants

* Instruct everyone to create an account on BulkReefSupply.com if they don't have one already

* Pick a Tuesday the group buy will start. Group buys run Tuesdays through the following Monday.

* Send a "master list" of everyone participating to Andrew@BulkReefSupply.com that includes the following:

o First and last name (please do not include forum nicknames/handles)

o Email address associated with each participants BulkReefSupply.com's email address

o The name of the group buy and it's start date. For example, "nameofgroup May 18th 2009"


Then what? Here is what will happen after your list is emailed:


* On the pre-determined Tuesday each participant will receive an email notifying them that the Group Buy has started.

* Participants can start buying as soon as they get this email. Please wait for this email before placing orders!

* During the group buy week participants will login to their own account to place their own order, which ships immediately.

* At the end of the Group Buy each participant's account will be changed to Preferred Customer. BRS Preferred Customer pricing is generally between our retail and group buy prices. This permanent upgrade is our way of saying thanks for getting your reef supplies with us!


The last group buy I participated in (on reef2reef), I saved over $40 on a $200 order, so it is well worth it!


We will need at least 10 participants to qualify for the group buy:

1. Ryan

2. madmike

3. Algae

4. Smann

5. reef165

6. Jason7504

7. Wanareef

8. epicenter

9. coralreefer

10. Danik

11. mytshall

12. faithkjy

13. Vanz

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