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How do I cure Rock


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i wouldnt recommend using the bleach and chlorine, id recommend actually just boiling it up on the stove in a BIG pot, boil it for as long as you care to, then dry it out real good, and then just put it in your tank, it will be clean, fresh, dry rock at that point, and your tank will actually turn it into live rock over a period of time

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I've heard of others using bleach. If you do then you need to follow the wash by soaking it in dechlorinated water though I'm not sure how long it needs to be done. As mentioned as long as it is clean and free of any dead stuff then it can just be put into the tank and it will turn into live rock as time passes.

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How long have they been in the garage? If they have been out of water for long enough then there is no need to cure them at all. Curing is to remove phosphates and nitrates from decaying rock caused by live animals dying in the rock during shipment.


If the rock is already dead and was previously in a tank then it needs only to be seeded meaning that it should be put in a system so that new life can begin to live in it again.

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Bleach equals dead stuff.


Exactly. I think the reason it is sometimes used is that it creates sterile rock to start with which is sometimes important to get rid of nuisance algae or pests on the rocks. (probably not an issue here) The bleach is easily neutralized using the same drops used to remove chlorine from water. FWIW, Purigen is regenerated by first soaking it in a 1:1 mixture of bleach for 24 hours followed by 8 hours in water with drops to remove chlorine. I just did this a few days ago and the Purigen is back in the system.

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Nice to know....but I would still find it difficult to put bleach on anything I plan on using inside my tank.


Used properly it has it's place. Most people don't realize every time they drink a glass of water they drink a small amount of chlorine(bleach). We put baking soda, vinegar, epsom salts, and any other number of chemicals in our tanks as well and all of them have the potential to kill everything in our tanks if not used properly. You would never want to dump bleach into your tank (It would kill the good stuff on our live rock) but it works great to use for sterizing stuff provided the chlorine is neutralized before it goes into our tanks. (The same as we neutralize the chlorine from tap water before we use it) I'm not suggesting that it be done or not but I have read a few posts by others that have used it and was passing on the instructions for the Purigen which also uses the same procedure indicating that it can be used if done properly.

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WoW, thanks eveyone for the help... I am very glad I became a member of this group..


What is PURIGEN?


CCR put the link above. Basically it's a filter media to help pull nitrates out of the water. I'm trying it as I wasn't happy with the results from carbon dosing. I've only been using it a couple of weeks but I saw an immediate drop in nitrates and over the past week or so I've seen additional growth that I hadn't seen before.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good to know , thanks.... Im bummed, everytime I add LR from somewhere I get a Algea breakout...just for about a 2 week period then it seems to die off....Anyone know why. I have a bunch of LR I perchased from Scott. But afraid to put it in.. Its been recirculating in a plastic container with Purple up and 1.025 water.

Why am I getting these outbreaks? does anyone else get these?

Thanks for the help...

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