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Reef safe schooling fish?


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I've been wanting to add another fish to my tank and I think I finally decided I want to add a small school of something. Needs to be somewhat non-aggressive and reef safe.


I have:

a 72 gallon with lots of LR

bunch of snails, crabs and shrimp

hard and soft corals

a coral beauty

a jewel blenny

a small pair of clowns

a carpet and a bubble anemone (that the clowns dont host)


Are chromies pretty much my only option? And how many would be good? What about 3-5 Lyretail Anthia? Im worried my tank might not be large enough and worried about pricing. Ive seen pricing online anywhere from under $5 to over $25 each.

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Anthias can get a bit pricey when you start to get a nice school going. Chromis are probably the easiest way to go plus they are pretty inexpensive and a bit easier to care for though less attactive.


The nice thing about chromis is that they really don't need to be fed daily. Most anthias do better when fed on a daily basis if not twice a day. I have one that I feed every other day and it seems to do fine.




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What about a few cardinals? I had 5 pajama cards that schooled all the time. Sometimes even the best of schooling fish will stop because of lack of need to continue doing it. They do it to keep safe from predators, so if they sense their is no threat then they may stop. I had a giant damsel that thought he was boss of all and I think that is why they stayed schooling for so long. Just my opinion here not fact but, I think if you kept some fish that were very active and sporadic it may help to keep them schooling...(scratch)

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Sometimes even the best of schooling fish will stop because of lack of need to continue doing it.


I found this to be true even with Chromis. When I had them they would school when I added a new fish but then soon after would stop dong so to a great extent.

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