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Looking for a new external pump


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I need to get an affordable exterior pump to for my power heads/overflow recirc system. I have a submersable pump that might as well be a heater, with out the chiller I got it makes my water go up to about 84 degrees, luckily Im just cycling right now and getting the bugs worked out. So let me know who has what and how much. I think I have 3/4 in from the overflow and 3/4 out to the power heads. I know 1" is better but I dont have 1" so it is what it is......darn it

anyway I have a 90 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump so I need at least a 1250 gallon per hour I think. any help would be awsome. and no leakers..LOL

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Careful. A 3/4 overflow will not drain anywhere near 1250 GPH. A 1" will drain about double what 3/4 will and 1" will only drain about 750 GPH


BTW, I learned this the hard way. After plumbing my first tank with 3/4" drains I tried to pump all of the tank water onto the floor. Fortunately I shut it down before it did but I had to plumb it over again using 1".

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+1 with Rick.


I have two 1" overflows on my 90 gal and the manufacture states one will flow approx. 600 gph and both will flow approx. 1200 gph. When I initially set up my tank I had a bigger pump on my system and even cutting back on the pump it would suck my sump dry. The overflows just could not keep up.


You might want to check with your tank manufacture and see what they say about your tanks overflow rate.

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okay I talked to CB's where i got my silent siphon, and my tank (oceanic 90 gal) has a 1" bulk for the over flow drain and 3/4 up for the pump side. so I could theoretically do a pressure rated pump that can run about 750 to 800 gallon per hour. Im going to see what I have on there now and just do something very close or like I said a pressure rated pump and use a ball valve to tune it up.. I will get back to you...

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