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Powder Blue Tang ICH


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Well, had them almost a month now...last week noticed both had ICH(flame)(coinincidence??after I did a water change) been treating with ich attack daily,took some more water out to lower salinity have two skunk cleaner shrimps -was/is getting a lot better but still hanging in there. The good news is they have a good appetite and none of the other fish (yellow tang, hippo tang, flame angel, orange shoulder tang, sailfin tang, anthias , 2 mandarins, pink/blue spotted goby , purple dotty and 2 maroon clowns) seem to be free. Any suggestions? Thank-you

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Put a large glass cup on the sand bed and feed only in that. When the infected go in it pick them out of the tank and put them in a quarantine tank with only water and a powerhead in it!! If you have that many fish than you know the process of ich. I hope they make it!! So...you treated copper in a reef tank? Whoa...!! I hope that everything doesnt die!



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As long as they're swimming and eating, they should fight it off, much like we do the flu. Add some Kent Garlic Xtreme to their food for about a week or so and they should be fine.

Here is my Purple Tang:




I don't think you can get worse than that and he pulled through just fine. None of my other fish got it either.

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The flu can kill a human too. As long as the fish is otherwise healthy, and is still swimming and eating, it can fight it off. This PT parked himself in front of the Koralia for about a week to get flow over his gills, It took about 3 weeks for him to be clear of it. I do second the recommendation about a UV sterilizer. This can be a good thing to have in your system.

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So...you treated copper in a reef tank? Whoa...!! I hope that everything doesnt die!



No copper..bad copper(laugh)


Kordon Ich-Attack contains 5% active ingredients consisting of five natural organic herbals, based on their containing patented naphthoquinones. Totally free of chemicals (such as formalin and malachite) and all heavy metals, including zinc and copper. Does not affect pH of the water, or its oxygen content

I have tried putting food in net for last three days I did however get my damsel I have had for almost 2 years to go in and I scooped him up and put im in front room tank all by himself (poor guy..(laugh)he was about 1/2 inch when I got him now he is about 2 1/2") he had no spots just wanted him moved they all have hiding spots and would have to move all rock,corals etc. and we al know how that is -like a jigsaw puzzle never going back sameway twice. did add one power head two days ago may add more as have plenty in storage. I used to use real garlic cloves minced up in their food a trick jadams told me -will start again, anything to help my blues...Keeping fingers crossed...

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What I did to combat my Ich was raise my temp to 80 or so to accelerate maturity of the disease and added UV sterilzer to kill it. It is my understanding that at a stage during Ich's maturity it releases into the water which is great time to get it under the UV and kill it.

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+1 on UV...I have had too many cases of ich over the years with every known treatment regiment known...I firmly believe, while each case will vary due to health of tank and inhabitants, UV sterilizer is the single best chance at tank reduction numbers.


Remember, ich is present at all times...immune systems keep it reduced and undercontrol until stress allows proliferation. UV kills proliferative stage...



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