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Is this Manjano?


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I prefer to use Kalk paste. Use pickeling lime, or Kalkwasser powder. Mix with a few drops of water to make a thick paste, about like toothpaste. Then put a big blob over the pest anemone. Let it sit covered by the white blob for a few days, then repeat.


Some like other techniques, like Joe's Juice, aptasiaX, or just taking out the rock and using a flame (lighter, blowtorch, etc.) to cook the little bugger. Once they get established, it will take a nuclear bomb to get rid of them. They are worse than roaches.



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The only method I have found that reliably took care of all the majano problem in my last tank was......to completely remove all rocks that had them and dry the buggers out. The rocks are still sitting in a bucket. I will eventually add them to a system to "re-seed" them before adding back into my tank. I tried joe's juice, aptasia X, blow torch, lemon juice injected in, and kalk. Nothing worked for me....and in fact made the problem worse since they spread when stressed. Good luck though! If you try these methods, be sure to let us know what works!

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