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Free fishes, corals, inverts, live rocks, and live sand


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I currently have a 180gal reef and had most of the fishes for over 6 years, but recently work will require me to travel for extensive period of time. It saddens me but I want find a good homes for my fishes, inverts, and corals. If you interested in adding any or all of these: 2 Blue Tangs (5+ inches), 2 Lyretail Anthias (4" 1 male, 1 female), a pair of black pecular clowns, 2 Yellow Tangs (3 inches), 1 Yellow tail Damselfish, 7 Atlantic sea cucumbers, 3 pencil Urchins, Leather corals, and live rocks, let me know what's your setup.


If you're interested in getting any or all of the above, please do the following, first email me a description of your setup: (How big? How long have you had them? How often do you feed your fishes? What do you maintain the water parameters?). Please attach a picture of your tank if possible. Then we'll need to arrange when you can pick them up from me. I live in Hillsboro.





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Just a quick thanks for the Clowns, LR, etc. It takes a special person for someone to care more about where everything went than what you were getting back which means a lot. I'm sure everyone else that came by today probably agrees. I wish I could have stayed around a little longer and maybe got a chance to meet a few others when they came by but I was running late already. (Once my wife saw the Clowns though she pretty much forgave me for being a little late) Thanks again, Rick


BTW, I'll try to get a picture of them in their new home tomorrow.

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Dan was gracious (cheer)(dancing)enough yesterday (before I got home) to give me 2 cucumbers, a pencil urchin,chaeto,some leathers, small rose bubble and several tiny stars. Got to meet a couple of people from this site (rock2) THANK-YOU!!! Was a great day until I got home..I posted a thread about my arrival home.

When you get back into it again Dan let me know so I can return some to you.

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Thanks again for the tang and snails....I got 15 snails and a cuk. Also the huge purple montipora rock with all those worms looks awesome now that I see it under light.

His lights were off his tank when I picked the stuff up. Morntopra rock is as big as a bowling ball...no joke.(agree)




All those worms comming from the tubes are alive. What kind are they? Tubes as big as your small finger.

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Thanks again for the tang and snails....I got 15 snails and a cuk. Also the huge purple montipora rock with all those worms looks awesome now that I see it under light.

His lights were off his tank when I picked the stuff up. Morntopra rock is as big as a bowling ball...no joke.(agree)




All those worms comming from the tubes are alive. What kind are they? Tubes as big as your small finger.


I saw that and it was tempting. (He asked me if I wanted to take it) Since I don't know what is going on with the Montis in my display I declined. It was certainly a good sized rock. Note: I'm seeing the live tube worms as well plus a few bristol worms.


I think Cherryl was arriving when I left (I was running late so I had to git) so that is the only other person from the board I saw there. I would have liked to stay a bit longer to meet some others.


Daniel, after a full day the 2 clowns seem to be adapting well. They have staked out a portion of the tank with a large BTA that I expect them to start hosting within a day or so. (It grows to 7 or 8 inches when it is really happy) They are already hanging out next to it but haven't gone into it yet. They are not eating the pellet food I normally feed yet but I recently started feeding mysis soaked in vitamins once a day anyway which they are eating. I'm giving them a little of the flake food as well until they start eating the pellets. I ended up with a little RBTA as well that was on the base of the leather coral which was a nice surprise.


Thanks Again

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