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Two tank one sump


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Just put another pump in the sump and plumb it to a tank that is next to the display. The overflow can then go back into the sump. That would be the easiest solution.


You could get tricky and do a "Y" with ball/gate valves off your main pump. 1/2 to the display and 1/2 to the frag tank. Then control the valves so that there is good flow to both. Then both return to the common sump.


A third way is to have the overflow from one drain into the second, then the overflow from the second drain into the sump... Probably not such a good idea. I am not sure why though.


I have been giving this some thought because I want to do something similar in my tank.



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I have run three tanks off of a common sump. If your looking at having the frag tank in your office I would have the display drain to frag tank, the frag tank to the sump. Easier plumbing wise and will save you some flow on the frag tank.


If your going to use that 20g long then use both the holes as drains back to the sump, and have the display drain (frag tank return) over the top are strung from above.


I'm all about saving pump use and using what is already there. It's safer too IME.



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Hmm.... I haden't considered running from one tank into the next. I actually have a T in my drain already that I could tie into to get a few hundred GPH into the 20 gallon I have set up next to the main tank. I intended to use it a quarantine tank but the fish currently in it are too aggressive.


Thanks for asking this Frank, I'll be following this thread and may give this a shot. Just need to figure out what I want to do for an overflow if I do. (Probably drain it partially and then drill one)

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Running a T from the drain to a QT tank is counter productive IMO. What if the QT'd fish have myco, now you've killed your entire system. JMO


I ran several tanks on a tier system, it works well IMO.


T'ing a drain can be tricky. IME it is easier to T off a pump, or run a drain directly.

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Running a T from the drain to a QT tank is counter productive IMO. What if the QT'd fish have myco, now you've killed your entire system. JMO


I ran several tanks on a tier system, it works well IMO.


T'ing a drain can be tricky. IME it is easier to T off a pump, or run a drain directly.


I agree that it would be counter productive for a quarantine tank. I can't use it as a quarantine tank (That was my original intention although it changed) at this point though as it has a few critters that would harass almost anything put into the tank. I was already considering a more permanent setup with a sump but hadn't decided on anything yet. I already have the T in there with valves on both sides but one side is no longer in use so it's the simplest way for me to plumb it in. Worst case would be to redirect all of the drain to the second tank and then back. At this point it's just food for thought though as I'm considering a couple of other ideas as well.

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