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Suport you LFS please read..


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I heard some mind staggering news on the radio that really made me think... That one out of every (4) specialty store will close in these hard times! DOH!


What does that mean to us hobbiest??? One or two of our LFS's will close! (scary)


If that happens we could lose opportunities for getting good deals on our items. Those are the facts...So...the question is...how can we prevent this?


My opinion: SUPPORT YOUR LFS! (fish)


More than ever they need our support to keep business going. By shopping at your LFS (and not on the internet) for your items (that you have to buy anyway in some cases) we keep the $$$ right here in "our" stores. The more stores to shop from the easier it is for us to get better pricing...that is ALWAYS a good thing!(yahoo) I know times are tough and people have tightened their wallets, but there are items that if you are going to have a tank then there are things you are going to HAVE to buy. I’m not asking you to buy things you wouldn’t usually get but, things that you need. I myself I would rather buy my items at the LFS and pay a little more (not a lot more) but a little more and show my support. In most cases the end result is to my benefit...as in since I am a repeat customer they are more apt to offer deals on corals or other items. Ok...so now I may be rambling....(backtotopic)but you get the idea. I would hate to see us lose some of the great stores we have.


Support your local fish store!(cheer)

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I also agree. If you can get it for a FAIR price around here why buy from someone that isn't going to put it back into this area?



The key word here is "fair". The online guys have much more buying power than us lowly LFS, therefore they get a considerably lower price many times on these items, therefore, they charge really low prices that a lot of times it is difficult for us to match. The main advantage to buying local is that you are dealing with a store, therefore you will get better customer service, theoretically speaking. So you may have to pay a little more that the online guys, but isn't service and trust in a store what you are really trying to build?

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yep, it is, that's why even if it is a bit more I will buy it locally. I just know there are some out there that seem to gauge on there stuff...


Lowman, little off topic but, the stuff I got from you a while back is all doing great, I would be back to check the new place out and grab a little more but I am out of money and tank space at this point.:D

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The key word here is "fair". The online guys have much more buying power than us lowly LFS' date=' therefore they get a considerably lower price many times on these items, therefore, they charge really low prices that a lot of times it is difficult for us to match. The main advantage to buying local is that you are dealing with a store, therefore you will get better customer service, theoretically speaking. So you may have to pay a little more that the online guys, but isn't service and trust in a store what you are really trying to build?[/quote']Bob, I have to drastically disagree with you on this one. For years when I was just an online guy I had to buy all my corals from either other online guys and grow them out or I would hunt for the names of transhippers and so on to get corals at wholesale. Same prices you or any other store pays. Most online stores have to do it this same way. It was actually one of the LFS that helped me in aquiring the names of some good trans shippers and thats how I got started. It had nothing to do with buying power. It had everything to do with making the appropriate business contacts and building a foundation for a good business relationship. I personally have speant countless hours seeking out suppliers to supply me with corals and it's not based on volume, it's based on the relationship. You could buy from the exact same source if you knew who to buy from. It's putting in the time, and effort and not to mention being ripped off a few times to get to that point.
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I am so bad about this! I was raised in a house that had very little money, so it was all about the best deal and not so much about supporting local. On the occasion I still catch myself saying "dude, I could get that so much cheaper online." I appreciate the reminder that its important to support the stores that I care so much about.

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And don't forget who you call for "tech support", LFS owners spend hours a day answering question on stuff you buy on-line. I have my own shop and if I go to Portland, Salem, Etc and I spend their time, I walk out with something. I've spent hundreds of dollars at other stores, they always have something different. (I pay full retail) I appreciate the time they take to answer my questions. I don’t know it all, and some of the information I receive is invaluable.

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  • 1 month later...

I've often found that when you take shipping into account its usually cheaper to buy at my local LFS's. That goes double when talking about buying corals. Plus then you get it RIGHT AWAY! and don't have to wait around for the package to arrive.

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What most of you DON"T relies is the LSF have wholesale connections with the same on-line stores and can still get you practically the same deal. make a few coins, and give you local service If you don't ask your LSF how will you know.

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While its admirable to support the guys as they are closing down, it's a somewhat backhanded compliment seeing as they probably could've used all the support earlier to help prevent needing to shut down. :( So that being said, make sure to hit up all the guys who are still open and spend some cash.

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While its admirable to support the guys as they are closing down' date=' it's a somewhat backhanded compliment seeing as they probably could've used all the support earlier to help prevent needing to shut down. :( So that being said, make sure to hit up all the guys who are still open and spend some cash.[/quote']


This is what I thought when I saw the store closing thread! It asked for people to come by there closeout stuff to help them out, but kinda a slap to only go to the store to basicaly loot the place.

Regardless of the economy most of us getting into the hobby and starting to realy understand it think they can make $ with it in some way, I was one of them but realy before you even think of trying it think a little, as I did, in the last 5 years the # of saltwater stores has almost trippled but if you pay attention the original stores wernt making a fortune, they were making just enouph to make it worth the headace but now the pie isnt much bigger but its being shared with more stores, now combine that with a poor economy and you get failing stores. I hate to say it but I beleave there will be more stores to go under. So first if your thinking abought opening a store think abought what I just said and also beleave that your hobby needs to stay a hobby or it becomes work and you wont enjoy it as much!

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