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The Future of the Great Barrier Reef...

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Over the last 10,000 years, the earth has been much warmer, and much cooler, than it is right now... and yet corals reefs have survived all that time without "scientists" mucking around with them.


I'll lay odd that these people do more damage than good in the long run.


It was scientists that designed the strain of algae that has killed off so much of the sea life in the Mediterranean - all because they wanted a 'greener' algae.


I wish they would just leave well enough alone. But I guess you don't get any research grants when you point out that the earth has been cooling for the last 10 years.


(get's off soapbox)

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JasonH, who designed the algae, I have never heard of this story. Do you have a link or copy of a research article proving this; I would love to see it. Last I heard the invasive algae species you are probably referring to was accidentally dumped into the Mediterranean via waste water affluent from a public aquarium. I have never heard of it being engineered by man. As far as global warming, I think you are missing the point. We as you, me, and others of the human race have raised the Earth's temperature faster then it would normally be when compared to ecological time. It is the ecological time scale that corals have adapted to not the short time scale us humans have begun raising the planets temperature. Also now days it is almost impossible to falsify data to acquire additional grant money. All publicly funded grant proposals are highly scrutinized and peer reviewed before any funding is issued. I am proud to say I believe in science without it most of us would not be alive today enjoying this wonderful hobby.

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"We as you, me, and others of the human race have raised the Earth's temperature faster then it would normally be when compared to ecological time."


Assumes facts not in evidence. I don't accept the premise. There is no scientific evidence that supports anthropogenic global warming. The theory of global warming requires that temperatures escalate sequentially each year. The fact that the earth has been cooling for a decade disproves that theory.


Man causes pollution. Man should fix pollution. Al Gore causes global warming. I wish we could fix Al Gore.



I will try to find the story on the algae. It's the same one you're talking about - that was released from the public aquarium. I saw a discovery channel show about it. If I remember correctly (which is not certain) the reason that no fish or animal ate the algae was because it was an engineered species. The scientists at the aquarium wanted a version that was prettier and more green (not more ecologically friendly - literally a brighter shade of green).

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I can say to you with certainty that I have seen many factual numbers on climate change and global warming that would probably change your whole perspective. While in college I took many classes in geo sciences and a few that were even in my major of sociology and how we as a group define, accept/not accept, and deal with global change.


I can agree that a lot of the things that the media throws out there need to be taken with a grain of salt. I can also agree that many things are completely unpredictable and unexplainable because there are many variables that we are unable to determine or even fully define. The fact is that many of us don't want to believe the facts and this is completely understandable.


I definitely don't want to argue with anyone on the topic of global change, but it is pretty interesting to see how many different opinions there are on the subject. If I could sort of scan all of the things that I learned on the topic and then recite it all magically, in a coherent form with references and data all being accurate and then if I could figure out some geniusly poetic and yet alarming way to tell the world I would.



Its a pretty tough topic and there really is no right answer or perfect solution or even a completely sound theory.




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Well, I believe in facts and data. If someone could show me one single fact that supported global warming, than I would listen. Unfortunately, I have yet to find one.


The U.N. built a model supporting global warming that listed "all of the variables impacting global warming" that didn't include the sun - didn't include solar flares, or earths orbital fluctuations, or the rotation of the earth on it's axis...


Leading advocates are out there flat out lying - like the NASA scientist who was just caught falsifying the temperature data this summer to support global warming.


The U.S. government just announced a couple weeks ago that 85% of the measuring devices that they use to measure global warming are innacurate - and 60% of them are off by at least 5 degrees cetigrade. The entire amount of warming that has occured in the last 100 years is less than 1 degree C - and our measuring devices are off by 5* C? (for example, there was a device mounted on a tin roof, and another located next to a factory exhaust vent)


If there is data than I truly want to see it. But if there is, than why are all of the "experts" lying?


Sorry, I can't seem to get off my soap box tonight.

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Man causes pollution. Man should fix pollution. Al Gore causes global warming. I wish we could fix Al Gore.


I may be reading a bit much into this, but, Methinks this one statement right here will tell you where JasonH stands on pretty much any problem facing us today.



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"I may be reading a bit much into this..."


Well, if you're going to decide you know everything I think about everything in the world based on that one sarcastic statement, then yes, you're reading too much into it - but that's your prerogative.



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