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Digitada Question

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Hey all, I am hoping someone can advice me ..

I have a nice big piece of Orange digitada coral (hope thats spelled right) anyway that has a small piece that had got covered by sand and I noticed about 2 days pulled it out and that piece had turned white and it seems to be spreading up that piece now. Should I cut that part off ?

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Let it be. digitata are usually pretty hardy, and the piece could color up still. Even if the flesh died, it may regrow over the dead skeleton area.


If it white area increases A LOT (like it doubles in size), I would try cutting off the "infected" area, even cutting into some healthy tissue to make sure all the infection is gone.



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any infected or receded area cut away will grow back quicker and keep any issue from spreading just my OP though :)


I agree. Cut the white die off f of the still healthy part. This will keep the coral from receeding any further if it does have an infection. Like body said, growth often occurs faster at the fragged off area. You could watch it by i'd cut it if it where mine. GL

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Yeah, let it be I say. I have had a digi fall off the rocks and lay on the bottom of the tank for a few days before I noticed it. I thought the side that was down would not come back, but it did. They are pretty tough usually. I have some green digi if you want a frag.

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