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Ron Popeil

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  • 2 weeks later...

alright. tonight. rumor has it its supposed to be a very revealing jam packed episode. we should find out what michael has been doing the last two seasons.


and from the teaser, it appears sayid gives a hungry michael plenty of knuckle sandwhiches to chew on.



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  • 1 month later...

a bit too long. and whats with the 10 pm deathslot? at least i dont feel like ill be rushed when i get off work and have to drive home and dinner and putting the kid to bed and all that.


5 more weeks. theyre supposed to be packed full of goodies. my mouth waters as i write this. FOR REALS!

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finally. some smoke monster. a smoke monster just the way i want it, but so painfully brief! i wanted more! i wanted the smoke monster to be killing people in the background while ben kneeled down to his daughter. which im glad they killed off, not because i felt she was particularly annoying (she was) but because it really gave the story some realism. bad guys dont usually kill people like that, they usually monologue or keep them alive anyways and eventually they get free and its all very silly. but the bad guy actually followed through with his word, and i commend him for it.


i will be the first to admit though, the dialogue in this episode felt...forced. rushed. something just didnt feel right with it. and exactly how did claire survive that RPG?

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finally. some smoke monster. a smoke monster just the way i want it, but so painfully brief! i wanted more! i wanted the smoke monster to be killing people in the background while ben kneeled down to his daughter. which im glad they killed off, not because i felt she was particularly annoying (she was) but because it really gave the story some realism. bad guys dont usually kill people like that, they usually monologue or keep them alive anyways and eventually they get free and its all very silly. but the bad guy actually followed through with his word, and i commend him for it.


i will be the first to admit though, the dialogue in this episode felt...forced. rushed. something just didnt feel right with it. and exactly how did claire survive that RPG?



Ah my young Lost apprentice (laugh). If you didnt notice the head bad guy showed up in the clip for next week. I guess your smoke monster is not as efficent as you hoped.


I just hope the geek doing the morse code dies, I hate that guy, I want to smack him in the back of the head and say "spit it out!"


Of corse Claire survived (for now) that cant handle losing another piece of *** to help sell the show. They would be down to just one blonde! (scary)

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Wow - another amazing episode. All that was covered would have taken 4 episodes in season 2 to cover.



Ben "landed" in Tunisia wearing a parka with the name Halliwax (which was the name the Asian dude in the orientation videos used in one of them) The symbol looked new, and makes me think it's the Orchid station (which has basis in teleportation thanks to the video from last year with the numbered rabbits). Tunisia is an antipode of an area near Fiji - http://www.antipodemap.com/ . The guys who he ran into in the desert I think realized something was awry - no footprints, thick clothes, etc.


Smokey IS a security system.


The guys playing Risk - and Hurley telling us that Austrailia is the key seemed to be big, but it could be a red herring to get us on the wrong track.


If Ben kills Penny, then Desmond goes crazy, then Faraday(Joel's "geek" who I think is an amazing character, I'm a man of science and love that guy) will go crazy, etc.... could that be the start of Jack's craziness from the end of S3?


Oh man, such a good episode.

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Ben "landed" in Tunisia wearing a parka with the name Halliwax (which was the name the Asian dude in the orientation videos used in one of them) The symbol looked new, and makes me think it's the Orchid station (which has basis in teleportation thanks to the video from last year with the numbered rabbits). Tunisia is an antipode of an area near Fiji - http://www.antipodemap.com/ . The guys who he ran into in the desert I think realized something was awry - no footprints, thick clothes, etc.


Oh man, such a good episode.








I had to stream last night's episode. 10pm is just too late! (sad) Anyway, did i miss any Dharma/Oceanic commercials?

Was the secret room that Ben went into the same room that John Locke's dad showed up in that one episode a long time ago? (scratch) I wonder why they're making Jack sick. We already know he gets off the island. I'm glad Claire didn't die but that would have made sense why Kate would have Aaron. How come only Hurley can find Jacob? It was nice to see Bernard again. I was a little worried they would kill him off this episode since the writers seem to like to give characters a break and bring them back just to kill them. I'm glad Alex died. She was getting annoying. I'm also glad they showed a human side of Ben and it wasn't Ben's plan to have Danielle and that boy to get die. It was horrible but pretty funny that one after another of the fill-in characters kept coming out to get killed. (nutty) Can't wait for next week's episode!

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i did enjoy that too yenna. dude holding wood pile. dead. girl in parka running. dead. its like, who were these guys? meh, gettem outta here! and yes, joel, i realize that the smoke monster didnt obliterate all of the bad guys. but it was pleasing to see it rape and pillage with gusto. i only wished the scene would have lasted the entire episode. an entire episode of the smoke monster killing things. love.


no commercials i know of yenna, but i havent been on youtube in months and have stayed away from spoiler sites. and i think the secret room under bens house is different than where they were keeping locke and his dad. hurley can find jacod because when locke went back to the house, it was gone. it had moved and hurley had accidentally come across it somewhere else. and also seen jacob. so maybe locke isnt the only special one...


good thing ben had all the picnic tables made of bulletproof wood, or else sawyer would have been a goner!

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It was tight when Ben reached under the piano bench and pulled out an automatic rifle. Like he was in control the entire time.


The geeky scientist dude is cool, Joel just can't understand him. If I could unlock time travel, I wouldn't be on a remote island, well maybe I would, with my "staff" to mix drinks and bring out more sun tan oil.


Clair barely qualifies as a MILF IMO. Her *** is not selling the show. They could use some more blondes.


The smoke monster was rad, but I expected Ben to suck it up like the Rock did in the Scorpion King.


The bullet proof table thing was pretty lame. How did all the others homies get capped and Sawyer is just fine. He does die soon right? He's not one of the 6.


I didn't realize Kate had Clair's baby, thought she had a different one, maybe fathered by Sawyer which is why Jack didn't want to visit her. Was confused by that.


Do you think the one rich dude actually had Siad (sp?) wife killed or Ben is just manipulating it so Sieed (sp?) will kill for him.


What happens with Ben and Desmond when Ben kills Penny?


Hurley should be skinnier by now.

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. How did all the others homies get capped and Sawyer is just fine. He does die soon right? He's not one of the 6.


Interesting that you assume all the others get killed, I assumed the other way ever since the last Sun/Jin centric episode.

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Por Que?


I think all the others are smoke monster food. Maybe Jordan will get his epsidoe after all.


The "Others" are safe at the temple. The rest of the airline passengers I think will still live on the island - they won't die, the big clue given here is Jin's grave showed the day the plane crashed, not a later date as the case will be. The island is still going to be covered up by Widmore/Ben, but the rest of world still needs to assume that everyone died in the plane that's on the bottom of the ocean.

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I didn't realize Kate had Clair's baby, thought she had a different one, maybe fathered by Sawyer which is why Jack didn't want to visit her. Was confused by that.


Do you think the one rich dude actually had Siad (sp?) wife killed or Ben is just manipulating it so Sieed (sp?) will kill for him.



I could be wrong but I think I remember seeing something that confirmed it was Aaron.


I'm not sure about the who actually killed Sayid's (sp?) wife - but i'm definitely sure Ben is now manipulating Sayid.


What is this Jin/Sun episode you all are talking about? Did I miss an episode?!!?!? :eek:

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I could be wrong but I think I remember seeing something that confirmed it was Aaron.


I'm not sure about the who actually killed Sayid's (sp?) wife - but i'm definitely sure Ben is now manipulating Sayid.


What is this Jin/Sun episode you all are talking about? Did I miss an episode?!!?!? :eek:


The Sun/Jin one was before the break, where they showed the baby being born off island.


The confirmation that Kate's kid was Aaron was implied. The forshadowing within the early part of the episode where Kate was like "oh, I am no good with kids." then at the very end when she hugged the kid, she called him Aaron.

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The Sun/Jin one was before the break, where they showed the baby being born off island.


The confirmation that Kate's kid was Aaron was implied. The forshadowing within the early part of the episode where Kate was like "oh, I am no good with kids." then at the very end when she hugged the kid, she called him Aaron.



oh snap! Sun has her baby off the island? Do we find out if it is Jin's?

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Was that Jacob!?


holding he baby? No - that was Christian Shepard.


Never mind - you're talking the preview right? Then no - that's the same guy who welcomed Ben and his Dad to the island back when we saw his flashback.

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