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International Report Cites Global Warming Cause, Effects


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Via CBS: "Next week, an international panel of top climate scientists, including Americans, will issue a long-awaited report on climate change.


The long-awaited report to be published next week puts hard scientific fact behind the cliché images of global warming. A final draft, obtained by CBS News, contains the strongest language yet on how fast the world is heating up and who to blame.


The answer? Us. " link, link 2

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I won't argue that Global warming isn't happening. But I have one question for you.


How do you explain global warming happen at least 2 other times in the planets history if man was not even around to cause it then (ice ages)? There were no cars or factories to blame this on then. What makes you think that this isn't just a naturally occurring event completely beyond our control? This is obviously what happened in the past, correct. I will not buy into the theory that man is the one causing all this until someone can explain to me what the cause of the last 2 were from.


Not saying though that we shouldn't try to stop pollution and quite our dependence for oil though, just don't believe we are to blame for the warming.

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I have yet to seen a single one of them bring that up. I think there is a huge push to make people blame humans for the problems and to actually ignore the real truth, and I also believe that most of them have NO idea what the cause is. And there are a lot of scientist who actually don't believe that its really happening, but they are very over shadowed by the very vocally believers. There is a lot of hype on the whole thing and people really get wrapped up in the excitiment and miss the facts.


Don't beleive everything you read and Al Gore tells you.

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I don't believe everything I read, as insinuated. I haven't even seen Al Gore's movie.


Regardless of the subject, I'm certainly more likely to believe the worldwide scientific consensus from professionals who are qualified and scrutinized by peers, than I am likely to believe those who are not, like 'armchair scientists' .....i.e all of us here, including me.


We're not qualified either way...period. I don't believe for one second that I have answers that the best scientists across the planet have missed for decades...and I don't understand why anyone would presume to think that they do, sorry.


Now if in fact the current worldwide scientific community consensus is misguided, then it's up to those qualified and scrutinized professional climatologists to present that case in the same manner that the current theory has been formed. But again, we are certainly far from qualified either way. Science is about searching for truth, and certainly scientific theories have been corrected in the past, but we should leave the search and analysis to actual scientists qualified to do so, don't you think?


Nobody is saying not to question. nobody is saying not to learn. But , imo, we should keep a grounded perspective in the fact that we are not actually climatologists...and we should realize that our opinions are baseless compared to the most learned professionals in the field.


Above and beyond all of this is the hard reality that regardless of the truth(whether predominant theory is accurate or not), the most prudent thing to do is to play it safe so that our children are not paying the price in the future.

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Rich I really dont want to get into another pissing match about this but for crying out loud....


When in history have CO2 levels ever been this high? Answer: Never Who cares if the cause is humans. Global Warming is happening. we need to make changes or we are going to have some serious issues. Bottom line.


EVERY peer reviewed scientific article has said that global warming is happening and we are making an impact, if not directly causing it......every one. Only about half of the mainstream media articles say its happening.


Never in the history of science has there been more consensus on a subject than Global Warming.


Above and beyond all of this is the hard reality that regardless of the truth(whether predominant theory is accurate or not), the most prudent thing to do is to play it safe so that our children are not paying the price in the future.


You get a gold star. Doesnt this make sense? Wouldn't it be better to take action and find out in 100 years that we were wrong about global warming then leave our world in crisis if it is true? This is the part I cannot comprehend.


Someone tell me how ceasing the use of fossil fuels to power just about everything a bad thing?

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LOL, WOW people get really really emotional on somethings. I did not mean anything I said as an insult to anyone, I just think that people get really wrapped up in the excitement of things and tend to ignore the facts.


As for Co2 levels being high now, how do you know that they were not high in the past and thats what created global warming? They don't know that its; they don't know why global warming happened in the past and they do not know why its happening now. Everything cause that they come up with is a theory that it. The problem is they are taking theories and trying to past them off as facts.


As for EVERY peer review straighting that we are causing this, you are wrong maybe every peer review that you have heard of but no not everyone. I have read plenty of articles by climatologists and others that have said we have no proof that its happening and what the cause is and these were not some no armchair scientist.


On the fossil fuels did I once say that we should continue using them and not develop an alternative? Would I love to see factories stop dumping there waste into the oceans, rivers, and air; Hell yes. I will ask you this. If you think these things are bad what are you doing not to add to the problem?

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You are right there have been several ice ages in the last several hundred thousand years....no doubt about. There has also been times of global warming in between the ice ages. However, scientists are able to use ice core samples(Drilling way down into the ice) to track the parts per million CO2 in the air back to 600,000 years.


IN the last 600,000 years co2 concentrations have never topped 250 ppm roughly. Today our Co2 concentration is about 360 ppm and is expected to rise to over 500 ppm within 50 years. This is so much higher than anything has been in 600K years(Source: Science Magazine). That is a long time.... we have a problem.


More CO2 in the atmosphere means warmer temperatures as more heat gets trapped in the atmosphere.


H2Ocooled, I would honestly LOVE to read any peer reviewed article discussing the myth of Global Warming. If you find one please pass it my way.


I guess I just assume that folks who dont buy Global Warming must think that alternative or cleaner energy is bad also. Thanks for straightening me out. :)


If you think these things are bad what are you doing not to add to the problem?


I carpool with a vehicle that gets 35 miles to the gallon and intend to buy a car that runs on alternate fuel as soon as possible.

I buy clean energy from my power company so they can invest in sustainable energy.

I use nearly all compact fluorescent light bulbs in my house.

I recycle everything.

I eat close to the Earth.

When i buy new appliances i find the most energy efficient model, even if its a bit more expensive.


How about yourself?

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some of the funnier, or more interesting comments from Digg:


"I think we can all agree that global warming is behind 9/11 attacks."


"As George Carlin once pointed out, the planet will be fine, it's the people living on the planet that will be ****."


good point here, and funny too, but still not a reason to not believe current science:

"Ah... a final verdict on a theory based on a computer model of a system that isn't well understood."


"Record snow in places it hardly does like Phoenix, Malibu, and Albuquerque. Insane record highs breaking well over 100 degrees in San Fransisco. Clearly Global Warming seems to be targeting Environmentalists..."


"The really chilling thing about the IPCC report is that it is the work of several thousand climate experts who have widely differing views about how greenhouse gases will have their effect. Some think they will have a major impact, others a lesser role. Each paragraph of this report was therefore argued over and scrutinised intensely. Only points that were considered indisputable survived this process. This is a very conservative document - that's what makes it so scary,' said one senior UK climate expert. Ok, that makes the United Nations, the European Union, several thousand climate experts and Steven f****g Hawking who think global warming is not only real but a serious, potentially catastrophic threat. Can we stop arguing over it now?"


liked this one:

"Theories don't necessarily equate to facts. They are simply scientific explanations based on current observations, experiments, and available data, and they can and do change when new evidence forces them to. It's just as foolish to claim that a theory is inherently true as it is to claim that a theory is inherently false. They are not proven, per se, but they are accepted as the best explanation of a specific phenomenon, based on the available evidence."


not how I would say it necessarily...but:link

"Ya, and thousands of climate scientists from hundreds of countries are making a mistake that sombody with college stats wouldn't make."


"1st the Internet, now Global Warming... Thanks a lot Al :)"

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Me; lets see.


Drive a car that get 38mpg.

Yeah the CF bulbs on some and I have dimmers on others which really save a lot of life on them and power.

recycle everything that I can.

Compost in the garden.

Try to use organic and natural soaps and shampoos which are much better for us and the planet.

thats about all the I'm doing now. But in the future when I can afford it I plan to:

Build an earth sheltered house that will use concrete instead of trees, cut my heating and cooling cost by 75%, use the sun for lighting the home and heating the house. Use old hardwood for the floors. And more....

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i knew you were a [language filter] treehugger!! :)


I'm guessing everyone has goals for the health of the planet that are more shared than may appear initially. It's the details that bog us down i think. again, i defer to the professionals on that front.

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LOL, not sure I'm a tree hugger. Part of my quest especially with my new house design is because I hate paying the government or some huge monopoly for power, so if I can cut that back to nothing I would be very happy. The other part is I want low maintenance and long lasting.


As for the car and mpg, I live in Portland and work in salem, the gas costs kill me so less use is a lot better.


Its all good though, hopefully we can leave our kids and our kids kids with a nice planet and oceans that they can enjoy like we can now.

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uh ok, i didn't see any profanity...but i did remove the letter 'f' from the front of the 'f----' in one quote if that's what you were referring to. Sorry, I thought I was censoring it adequately by leaving the 'f' and changing the rest of the letters to dashes. I was also trying to leave it unaltered since it's a quote from someone else.

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What I don't ever see in these reports on climate change is the discussion of global dimming caused by soot and dust that is spewed into the atmosphere. Not that I don't think parts of the world are getting warmer. I guess I have a hard time following a theory that says all this damage to the enivronment is caused by one thing, when a more important factor in the environment is being depleted. Besides, if you tell people the world is going to grow dark, I think they would be a little more worried then if it got warmer, after all we are more scared of the dark than of warmth.

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As George Carlin once pointed out, the planet will be fine, it's the people living on the planet that will be ****."


My personal favorite.


Yeah the CF bulbs on some and I have dimmers on others which really save a lot of life on them and power.

Compost in the garden.

Try to use organic and natural soaps and shampoos which are much better for us and the planet.

thats about all the I'm doing now.


Me too... i forgot these. Yeah for us!!!!!



What I don't ever see in these reports on climate change is the discussion of global dimming caused by soot and dust that is spewed into the atmosphere.


The Earth is recieving less and less sunlight....ie. less and less heat. If we clean up the air, the greenhouse effect will be boosted....awesome!

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if you stop the producers of the soot and smoke, you remove the greenhouse gas producers, I'm just saying there are things that are as or more hamfull than warmth.


For people out there that are worried about cleaning chemicals (like me) some of the "nasty" cleaning supplies are bio-degradable! Like comet, and it has become such a selling point that those that are biodegradable will say right on the lable! Surfactants and phosphates in soaps really worry me, especially in places like the south pacific, where the sewage flows right out on the reef

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uh ok' date=' i didn't see any profanity...but i did remove the letter 'f' from the front of the 'f----' in one quote if that's what you were referring to. Sorry, I thought I was censoring it adequately by leaving the 'f' and changing the rest of the letters to dashes. I was also trying to leave it unaltered since it's a quote from someone else.[/quote']



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