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Posts posted by Totroc3

  1. I’ve had the issue in my quarantine tank and I pull each rock out and hold it under running freshwater while scrubbing it with a toothbrush until I remove everything I can get to. I’ve done the same thing with rocks that had anemones on them just taking care not to get the freshwater on them. They can easily tolerate being out of water for the 5 minutes it takes. In a tank that size you could easily remove 95% of the GHA in less than an hour. I would also plan on doing some big water changes every few days until you get your nitrates and phosphates to desirable levels. Personally, I would do 50% each time. At the same time I would reassess your lighting intensity and schedule. 

  2. I understand your frustration. I just replaced a conductivity probe the same way and all goes well until I finish calibration and put the probe back in my sump. The probe goes from 35 or sometimes 35.5 to 38 even though my salinity is actually 33. I verified with 2 different calibrated Hanna salinity meters and 2 other meters. I then switched out my probe that was working perfectly in another of my displays and recalibrated it only to get the same result. I then put the second probe back in the original tank it worked in and it is at 37 instead of 34.7 where it was at. Neptune must have an issue after their last 2 updates. They are saying my Apex units have issues and want me to schedule support so they can get into the Apex. I have recalibrated about 30 plus times both through the task manager and manually. Grrr. I won’t dare recalibrate my pH probes now. Good luck Shaywood! Be glad the variance is small.

  3. I had someone try that with me. It intrigued me but my gut felt it was a scam. We were going to pave soon so I got a quote from our regular paving contractor and it was much less. Don’t fall for it. 

  4. I have 3 tanks each with an Apex. Personally, I would absolutely replace mine if it went out. I monitor mine to point to things that could lead to trouble. An example would be a new fish that’s either hiding or dead in my rock work or over feeding and food decaying. I have run ozone in all 3 tanks too but I don’t run it now. 

    I seem to remember when I first set up my Apex that it took a while for the ORP to normalize. I don’t remember how long but I believe it was a couple of weeks or more. Keep that in mind if the readings on yours don’t seem reasonable.

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  5. I had this issue happen a few times. I bought an Apex power supply transformer and now it works perfectly. In my case prior to adding the power supply, I was having low voltage readings on all 3 Apex systems since I run 3 tanks and a huge TV on the same circuit. Now I use the power supply for every Apex.

  6. I have been using the All For Reef powder since October. It took me several weeks to dial in the right amount to use because I was nervous to ramp it up too quickly. I use it on all 3 of my mixed reef tanks and my corals and fish are all thriving. I highly recommend it.

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  7. Congratulations! Thank you for all of the helpful information you have provided in your tutorials. I wish you and your wife all the best in the next part of your journey.

    • Thanks 1
  8. I really appreciate these tutorials you have put out. I am about 2 months into using Apex and it was a bit intimidating. Even though I don’t use it at the level you do, these tutorials really help for everything I do use it for. Thank you very much!

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  9. After reading through your information twice and reading all the comments, I believe that Higher Thinking may have hit on the problem which is a piece of your equipment leaching something into your water. I have read about this on another website where others had this problem. Of course that’s just my opinion but if it was my tank that’s where I would start. To me it makes perfect sense since you had a lot of success running your tank before this occurred. 

  10. On 7/24/2021 at 11:32 AM, Emerald525 said:

    I haven’t seen this available for several years ! They are NPS so they have to be fed but they are great for that back corner of your tank that gets no light !

    Thanks Jeff!!


    Thank you for identifying this in your post. I bought some coral pieces from a fellow member and a small piece of this was included. I had no idea what it was. I had it under medium to strong light until read your post and it has never really thrived. I can’t wait until it gets used to its new low light spot and I can see it open up properly. I just love learning from everyone on this website. Thank you again!

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