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Posts posted by BeasileyBub

  1. Pig dewormer, levamisole


    Proceed with caution, I wiped out hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of coral with it.  


    Here is my story:



    Yeah, I'm going to be extremely cautious. Everything will be put into two rounds of QT and I'll have sacrificial testers to see whether it works or not. I won't be dosing my main tank (if at all) if things don't go absolutely perfectly. 

  2. Totally a long shot. But while I was away I had a giant bloom in tank demons. Specifically glass anemones, aptasia, and hydroids (this one is a bit unusual).

    Long story short my tank babysitter allowed the salinity to spike and was over feeding the tank. Anywhos my filefish committed suicide in my MP40 while I was away. Does anyone have one I could buy or trade from them.

    Or have any suggestions for my serious increase in pests? It's a reef tank so it's pretty delicate. 

  3. I have had this tank for a good two years and it was an already established tank for five years before that. Super low maintenance tank. Can come with more live rock if you'd prefer and a brittle sea star or two for that matter! 

    Size: 14 gaL




    Hydor heater
    koralia power head - nano circulation powerhead 240 gph

    two little fishes cleaning magnet

    Eheim adjustable flow filter, comes with about 20+ filter replacements. The guy I bought it from went to town on filter replacements. 

    Reducing the amount of crap in my house. Need gone. 

    (8/17) I'll upload dimensions when I am around later this evening. 

  4. Both are big mamba jambas and probably a good 7" in diameter. One is quite elusive and lives inside a large live rock. I've yet to confirm that he comes out of the rock as I just became aware of his existence.  That being said it looks like you will be purchasing a large live rock that happens to come with a very large brittle sea star. I'll update the photo with the rock. My guess is that it's 5+ lbs easy (the rock). $15 for that dude & the large rock.  

    The one I have been able to take a photo of is a large green brittle sea star. It is regularly out in the open and doesn't appear to have murdered any small fish or other crustaceans. $10. 

    Both of these doods came out of a friends tank. I accidentally omitted them when I sold all the fish that were in the tank recently. Both are currently in my quarantine tank.




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