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Everything posted by ZachS

  1. Thats not bad there is also the jbj pico thats a little cheaper. It would be cool to get together and do a pico glass tank build.
  2. I like it lets figure out,what to call this and let people know. I plan on a 5.5 aio system with a 3gal displafy
  3. ^^ Agreed So here a few rules that we could try and put into this comp. 1. Entire system has to be less then 6 gallons 2. Tank cant cost more then $20 3. Equiptment ( Skimmers, powerheads.....) can't sost more then $75 4. Lighting can't cost more then $100 5. Livestock has to be frags only (Zoas have to less then 5 polyp frags) 6. You can't spend more then $100 on livestock (Corals and fish) 7. Entire system has to be under $295 Can anyone think of extra rules that they feel are needed or rules that are here and need to be changed?
  4. We could make a budget so something like that cant happen that way everyone has the same budgwt
  5. Here is the link to the Official Femto tank competition http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?32746-Femto-Tank-Competition
  6. ATank looks awesome! Love thre par56 I feel your pain with lioking at frags too bad we couldn't skip time!
  7. Everything looks great, would love to come check it out sometime. Don't have too many salem area reefers to look at
  8. I got lucky had a huge amonia/nitrate/nitrite spike then today all were at 0ppm and amonia was at .25ppm figured id be ok to start slow
  9. [ATTACH]12747[/ATTACH] Picked this up today a new beautiful acan. Also got a yellow wrase but hes burried himself
  10. [ATTACH]12747[/ATTACH] Picked this up today a new beautiful acan. Also got a yellow wrase but hes burried himself
  11. HAHAHA well I was just thinking if we did a growout that everyone would win...
  12. +1 for the growout. If everyone is ok with loosing
  13. Got water in it last night, time to start the cycle!
  14. [ATTACH]12738[/ATTACH] heres the radion.
  15. Alright well some of you know and some don't but I was lucky enough to win the radion xr30w led and am going to be using that for this system. Should be filled with water by friday ( fingers crossed)
  16. I just ordered it today, should be in by next wednesday but I will let you know
  17. [ATTACH]12726[/ATTACH] Here is how its looking so far, waiting to get a door before I finish the trim so it looks a little funny
  18. A few weeks ago I picked up this cube and have been busy getting a stand built and figuring out what to do about a sump and which powerheads to use and what lighting I wanted and finally today I am just about done! For lighting I went with a Ecotech Radion xr30w I wanted to do something different for my sump so I went with (2) 5.5 gallons that are plummed one on top of the other. The first is going to be a refugium that drains into the sump ( not sure how it will work yet but I'll be sure to document the progress ) 30-35lbs of LR and 20lbs of LS Koralia evolution 750
  19. Thats one of the nicest nanos I have seen Good work
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