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Posts posted by badxgillen

  1. I have mad magic cards,like tenderfoot I am old school and have been playing since the beginning and that is when I was the most involved. I pick it up every now and again,grab a few packs to see what is the newest theme, and play my brother in law,son, and\or his friends. I get stomped some times but quite often the old cards combined with the right new cards makes for a evil mix.


    I have at least 6 decks I have accumulated over time a white fox deck, a blue wizard\chaos deck,a green serpent\snake deck,a black and blue control and bruise deck,a huge multi land all color just for fun deck that consumes things, and a deck I call zero as it has all zero casting cost creatures asides from maraxus of the keld as the legendary general.


    Sorry about that little "Geek Out!"You asked.

  2. Stylaster and Gumby are definitely some standup guys.Good to hear it was not as traumatic as it could have been, sounds like you were as prepared as you could be, having a tank already at the destination and 55 bins for the fish,I dread the day I move.

  3. Welcome aboard Jnesbitt, this is a great place for information and chatting with like minds,I am sure we can find you some kalkwasser too.So what do you have planned for that new 80 gallon you got cycling?

  4. If they are stationary and the little guy comes out of a calcerous tube then they are most likely Vermatid snails,some consider them good as they eat particulants that get in the water column but others see them as pests as when the mucus comes in contact with an adjacent coral they can become irritated.


    I have also punctured my hand on these on multiple occasions and it is a painful hollow tube that can detach into your skin.

  5. Super nice anemone and I have been wanting that lepto for a long time,was it local?Forest Fire has always been a winner in my book and that is a nice sized frag you got there.Are you keeping it high in the tank? I think I bleached mine out form too much light.

  6. Looking forward to some nice camera work of your corals,so much color and diversity it is envy inspiring.I am looking into snagging a new camera and lens but am fishing here for some experience and info before making the high dollar commitment. I am staying tuned...Again.

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