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Posts posted by badxgillen


    The club has put together another Awesome batch of raffle items for the upcoming holiday party, just take a look at what we have coming your way!

    AquaMedic EVO 4 channel doser


    Echotech Vectra 51 DC Pump


    Aquatic Life 4 stage RODI unit

    Ehiem Automatic Feeder


    Hydor Koralia Evolution CIrc Pump 1,100GPH

    Hydor Koralia Evolution Circ Pump  1,500GPH


    Ice Cap 3K Gyre Generation Flow Pump


    So bring some extra cash to grab some raffle tickets at the meeting! More items will be added to the prize list soon, there should be something for everybody.

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  2. I guess I should throw a few things I could trade and or need to trim down starting with...

    Zoanthids and Palythoas---Blue Eyed Girls, Blue Eyed Bithes, Eagle Eyes, Radioactive Dragon EYes, Orbits, Midas Touch,Pink and Golds, Rainbow Raptors, Nuclear Winters,Blueberry Fields, PZ Bumble Bees, PZ Punk Rockers, Iron Mans, Captain America, Gobstoppers, Devils Armor, Flame Skirts, 

    SPS Branching---Hyacinth Birds Nest, Purple Hystix Birds Nest, Birds Of Paradise Birds Nest, German Blue Digitata, Red Digitata, Green Digitata, Forest Fire Digitata, Green Stellata, ORA Purple Stylophora, Green Pocilipora Dainty, Bright Green Pocilipora, Blue Stag Acropora, Twilight Dragon Acropora, Miyagi Tort Acropora, Upscales Microlados Acropora, Green Mile Acropora, Appleberry Montipora, Green Spongodes Montipora, ORA Supernatural Montipora,

    SPS Plating---Pachyseris, Green Apple Capricornus, Flower Petal Capricornus, Candy Red Capricornus, Idaho Grape Capricornus, Purple Capricornus, White polyp Foliosa, LA Lakers Turbinaria, CNC Green Turbinaria, Yellow Scroll Turbinaria, RR Nauti Spiral Montipora, 

    SPS Encrusting---Forest Green PSamacora, ORA Kelly Green Psamacora, Pumpkin Pie Psamacora, Lemon Lime Psamacora, GB Watermelon Psamacora, Blue Psamacora, Super Nova Psamacora, Sunset Montipora, Citrus Mistress Montipora, Pokerstar Montipora, Minefield Cyphastrea, Super Red CYphastrea, Lucky Charms Cyphastrea, Yellow Porites, Green Cactus Pavona, Purple Cactus Pavona, 

    LPS ---Neon Green Hammer, Purple Tipped Confused Hammer, Duncanopsammia, Green Calaustrea, Joker Favia, Rators Favia, Mango Mycedium Chalice, Green Eyed Mycedium Chalice, Oregon Mummy Eye Chalice, 

    Softies---Orange Yuma, Rainbow Yuma, Grubs Gorgonion, Sarcophyton Glaucum, Tyree Green Sarcophyton, Devils Hand, Green Devils Hand, White Pom Pom Xenia, Kenya Tree, Green Kenya Tree, 

    Others---Green Galaxia, Bicolor Galaxia, Gold Galaxia, Milipora Coral, Plating Hydnophora, Green Pectinia, Purple Pectinia, 

    And I have a bunch of other stuff that I might be able to cut but these are all good candidates for a fragment or two.

    I am looking for a little LPS, Zoanthid, and SPS corals. I see a few things I wouldn't mind grabbing in this thread already.

    • Like 1
  3. As mentioned in the December meeting thread the holiday party would make an opportune place/time to have a frag swap so lets get one started here. These are the general guidelines I like to recommend for these coral exchanges.

    If you would like, you can do your trading on the fly by just bringing by a few pieces and hoping that some one will have a desirable coral you want...Or better yet, you can post up what you have to trade and work out a preemptive exchange here on the forums, that method always works best for me. You can feel free to use this thread to post your trade-ables in or start a thread of your own.

    But First, let me get you some of Bert's basis tips for success here.

    1.) make an attempt to have a fragment of reasonable size and health and try and get things cut and ready a few days to a week ahead of time to have the wounds healed up for the exchange. And double/triple check for pest invertebrates or algaes before sending your corals out, we try to keep invasives to a minimum here...And once you get your frags home, just in case, always acclimate the specimens then dip the corals before you put them into your personal aquarium. QT Aquariums are best but good old Revive, Coral RX, Melafix, Iodine, or Bayer will do much better at prevention than nothing.

    2.) Try to package your corals appropriately. This can mean not putting a spiny coral like birds nest into a thin dollar store bag or not utilizing insulation on an extended cold or warm trip. Try a small cooler or Styrofoam. If you can't find either of these and the destination is a long distance, keep the vehicle air conditioned or heated appropriately. As far as packaging goes you can double bag and use thicker mil plastics, or something else like a Tupperware or specimen container. I have even used washed out yogurt or cottage cheese containers that stack well inside the coolers. Just use something that will work, nothing like losing a nice and colorful animal because the bag got too cold and leaked all the water out on the way home.

    3.)Do your best to be courteous and fair to one another by not take advantage of each others ignorance or generosity. These are people of all levels in the hobby so give them the benefit of your knowledge and experience instead of the cold shoulder. And speaking of generosity, that giving nature has always been smiled upon here at PNWMAS and pay it forward tends comes back around these parts.

    Well, the meeting is closing in fast, less than two weeks yeah.

    So Let's see em folks,  Whatcha Got!? Corals that is!

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  4. WHOOP WHOOP!!! It is that time of year again, December is almost upon us and that means it is time for our Annual PNWMAS Holiday Party! I know I used a few too many exclamation points but I am just so garsh darn excited! Here listed below is the need to know so Save that date!

    Basic Information

    Walery's Premium Pizza

    1555 Edgewater St NW, Salem, OR 97304

    December 22nd 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. 

    The club will order a few pizzas and pitchers to get the festivities started off with, but with the counter to the pizzeria is just 15 feet away you should be able to get whatever you need conveniently. Being a pizza fan I like finding what a friend likes and going in on a pizza to share, variety is the spice of life right?

    Don't forget that we will have the annual White elephant gift exchange to get in on! To participate we recommend bringing a wrapped item someone might appreciate of a $10-$15 value. We will draw numbers to dictate the order of handing out the gifts, and allow for one optional theft of a previous opened present per person. If you have not participated in a white elephant gift exchange before, this may all sound funny, but I assure you it is a riot of a game where everybody has a good time and walks away with something to remember.

    If you are not satisfied with just one gift exchange then don't fret, we have ourselves a good old fashioned frag swap you can get your fix with here. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/topic/44091-december-2018-frag-swap-thread/

    And Last but not Least, we have some amazing prizes from our awesome sponsors and our PNWMAS club, you know we never disappoint. So make sure to bring some cash to buy some tickets and increase those winning odds, and stay tuned for more updates and additions to the raffle prize roster, you all know the PNWMAS December party is always Big!


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  5. That is my "break the treaty?" look! Or is it the "Genie in the lamp" persona!? Actually,,I think it is the "PNWMAS IN THE HOUSE" SHOUT!!!

     So nice of you to add these pics in to the mix, it was most certainly a team effort. No one man could have accomplished this alone...A Woman on the other hand, now that's a different story! Thanks again Cherany, Kim, Jim, Roy, Karen, Jeff, Andy, Jeremy, Sean, Chief, The Clark, Greg, Stacey, Holy, Paratore, Optimus Prime, Steve, and all the rest I left out, so sorry... You know how forgetful I can be,.

    And Dodge!, really happy that custom crate went to a loyal member, it is some kilter memorabilia. And keep me in line for a frag of that last acro you pictured in this thread....You gotta have a back up of that for sure.

    • Like 2
  6. Well folks, it has been a while since I have done a photo recap for the club, but here I am finding a bit of time to get these pics in order and to see if I can recollect the events of this last weekend. As you may know the PNWMAS Officers and BOD have been working hard to bring you another awesome club event, and for October we brought you our second Annual Frag Festival!!

    FragFest title.jpg

    This was no easy task, Many, many hands played part in realization of this coral expo. Going beyond the usual reach of our club officers and Board Of Directors, we all accomplished this endeavor and made it a Complete Success!


    Jim, AKA Gumby, was key to establishing our position at the same venue as last year, the Clinton and Gloria South West Washington Boys and Girls club Clubhouse. The establishment was stellar for this event facilitating our raffle room, vendor room, and the guest speakers. Kudos Man, virtual fist bump from Bert here.

    Lexinverts and I got up at 3:30 and left from Corvallis early morning as usual to try and make it to the opening 6:AM setup. Fortunately Gumby, Cherany, and Roy had beaten us there and were already on the job of getting the raffle room in order as well as the vendor floor. 

    Another shout out to Jim and his wife, they made us a little break table which was SO nice, especially for those folks who had traveled so early so far without a bite to eat. Let me at that jelly donut!!!


    Just look at this spread! Can you imagine how happy the volunteers and vendor were when they layed eyes on this feast!? Underneath all those delectable donuts is a plethora of tasty muffins and right after this shot Lexinverts promptly made pitcher after pitcher of hot morning coffee. It amazes me how considerate all of the people on our team are. I only brought a camera, towels, totes and break down equipment...And Yours Truly.

    SAM_9166.JPGOur amazing vendors and sponsors donated a nice array of col reef related swag for the entrance free table, there were still being things added after I took this picture, so COOL! I love memorabilia!


    I have to also back up just a tad and give a shout out to Jim's son who, as the talented artist he is, made us a custom 3 foot PNWMAS door sign. HAIL YES!!!! It looked amazing, unfortunately in the shot I took here the angle doesn't do it justice, when looking at the sign dead on it is vivid, colorful, and opaque. f I could hang it on my wall at home I would.


    Ex Prez Stylaster and Stacy P. doing their thing figuring out raffle logistics and other tedious pre-Frag Fest plans. Stacey and Joanne do the bulk of communications between PNWMAS and the Washington crew who had managed the Bob Moore Frag Swap. Very cool to have them on board when we need some experienced help. Never take for granted the people who helped you make it on your road to success. The PNWMAS Crew considers you one of ours for sure.

    And speaking of success!!! I had one of my main comrades here withe me for setup, none other than Andy B Aka Lexinveerts. When this guy is on your team he really puts the work in. We were moving bucket after bucket, tote after totes, and aquarium after aquarium into the vendor room, I am used to this back breaking work hence my trade of business but Andy went above and beyond and tackled so much it was nothing short of commendable. Thank You Andy B!!! Hope your still not sore from the madness, I know I was.


    I shared his stern yet relaxed look in the eyes, being a teacher this cat can keep it cool... And I Dig the hat, Costa Rica RULES!!!!


    As I mentioned before FlashyFins/Cherany was on top of our organization and coordination for this frag fest...Not to mention she made a spectacular mermaid.


    Another shout out to our Norther Trio! With special thanks and recognition to our good friend Gumby! Center left...And while we are at it, another whats up to Stylater the EX Prez, far left, and Stacey P to the far right.

    Also have to give props to the folks who stood by and handled the door traffic, we had folks trying to roll in at 9:00 AM until after 3. Much appreciated that you could all stand guard while we all were able to play our part or simply attend the speaker, so selfless of you.


    Once the vendors started to roll in it was non-stop, vans and trucks just kept coming in and our awesome crew helped unload the vehicles.



    Once on the floor the comradery was amazing, it gives me a funny feeling inside to sit back and watch vendors in direct competition still lend a hand in helping each other setup. Between Jim, Andy, Steve, and I it was a "breeze"  A HEAVY Breeze. On the left you can see one of our vendors, Unrivaled Reefs, and to the right, Salt Water City!

    Here you can see Saltwater City getting ready and Unrivaled Reefs being as friendly as a neighbor can be. These guys  were very cool.


    AWWWW SCHLERACTINIA!!!! I love this shirt, and I feel it...Bob Moore Represent!!! And here we are, PNWMAS, To Bring It To Another Year!!! For those of you who were not here, this year, let me break it down for you...In Our Right Corner, weighing in at 200 and 65 frags...


    Tampico Coral Farms! A normally wholesale business showed up and WoWed us with some take-home corals for the regular hobbyist. To the left of that was one of our all time favorites the Premium Aquarium! Housing nothing but the best of the best, you know how they roll. AND Left of the TPA, our other home run hitter Golden Basket Corals! If this corner trio doesn't get you excited then I don't know what will!

    Well... I have an idea...More Corals?..


    Two new comers to the North West Frag Swap were KMM Corals and Ship Wreck Corals! So Cool, we were very happy to have you here amongst our previous attendees. Great new corals and a great new attitude! Looking forward to what you have for us next year.


    Left of Ship Wreck Corals was one of our old school sponsors from the north, Barrier Reef. Here you can see Natalia doing what she does best just slanging corals.

    On the opposing side was a few more outstanding coral salesmen with their fine wares.


    Who do we have here!? The SeaHorse Aquarium Supply!!!! Packed and Stacked, ready for action. Really nice to see them here this year. Clean and Crisp for sure.


    Paul Hamby working his magic. He has been attending since the Bob Moore events and was one of our only hobbyist tables. Bad To The Bone!!!

    All in all this event was straight hoppin'!!!



    Corals to the Left.




    And Corals to the Right

    So if you didn't hear...

    We had one outstanding raffle planned this year, with many obvious thanks to our PNWMAS Club and vendors, but a special thanks needs to go out to Cuttle Fish and Corals who went above and beyond in attaining us some the treasure trove of prizes we had, Thank you So Much Jeff!!!


     Freaking Molokos certificate Yeah!!!! Fishoutofwater takes that home for the win. Love the Shirt and love the Enthusiasm, WHOOO!!!!


    ZorroReef went in and nabbed the ATO! Never hurts to have a reliable back up, after stability, redundancy is the name of the game.


    Badxgillen used those gift certificates right quick! One for The Premium Aquarium and one for the Barrier Reef! Aw Yeah! There is no saving this for later, it is Coral in  the TANK!


    Not only did our Ex President Emerald her win the Barrier Reef certificate, but she also took home the Santa Monica Algae Scrubber...Way To Go Kim!!! Emerald here also assisted in getting our guest speaker to become a reality, no easy task. Lots of coordination, communicating, and driving.Thank You Kim!!!


    Here is our other Ex President and one of the people who helped spear head this whole Frag Fest part 2, Roy, Aka Stylaster. You can see he was lucky enough to take home a Stumptown corals certificate so he could get his Acropora Fix. StumpTown attended last year but was a little too busy to make round our way this time of year in 2018. Always next year though right!? And Thank You Roy, we all appreciate your participation in this  years events.


    The Avast certificate was in good hands once the Clark got a hold of it. Another player in the whole PNWMAS Frag Fest Scene. The Chief and Clark are our current site Admins and they worked tirelessly to uphold the tech side of he clubsite and the FragFest site....Way to go Clark, AVAST Acrylic!


    AWWW $H!!!,it is DSBlack taking away the Prime LED!!! You can tell he is Stoked! Let us know how it turns out yeah.


    Here Ron is predicting another win, he did very well in the raffle arena getting a number of his tickets pulled, going for the gold!


    I Know! our all like, Styllaster Again!?... Well this is actually River City Corals win, Roy was just kind and honest enough to hold the tickets for the prize as well as claim it for the person. Way to go Brian, and way to go Roy! Apex for the WIN!!!



    Colby unexpectedly dropped in and left us with some Piscine Aquatics raffle prizes as well as a ton of samples. Thank You Colby, look forward to seeing you next year, let me know when you have some of those projects ironed out.


    Maybe next year we can have some dry goods booths for some of our sponsors who do not deal in livestock, Daniel here is the brains behind the Reefi Labs.


    After all the Fun, and after getting up at 3:30 to try to get to Washington by 6:00 then closing down the event by 5 to make the trip back home... As many of the rest of you know, it then came time to acclimate, dip, and place corals into their appropriate places. What we won't do for the hobby yeah!?

    I do have to make another round of applause for those who made this spectacular even a reality.

    Our Deserving Officers and Board of Directors- Stylaster, FlashyFins, Albertareef, LexInverts, JeremyEvans, Badxgillen, KKnight, Emerald, The Clark, Chief, Paratore, Youcallmeny, and Lewisfisherman.

    Our Washington Sisters and Brothers-- Stacy Pziezak, Jim/Gumby, and family,

    And some of our hardcore PNWMAS Crew- OptimusPrime, Steve, ReeferMadness, and many I am forgetting in the mix. All your help was appreciated!

    And as usual, last but not least, the people who all make this all really possible...The PNWMAS Club, to without it, would not be possible..



    REEF ON!!!!


    And for your viewing pleasure, I have a ton more pics on their way, especially on the guest speaker Mr Saltwater.





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  7. Corvallis is a little off the beaten path to Portland but for those who want to send me a post card or maybe want to plan a future visit to yours truly my address is...

    552 SW B Avenue Corvallis Oregon 97333.

    15 hours ago, Flashy Fins said:

    Sorry, I don't have Bert's address. I've only been there once and didn't save it.

    She saw my place and ran, never to come back!  ;) 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  8. Wasn't sure as to where to properly place this thread but as it seemed to be an event of sorts I placed it here...We can move it later if it seems wrongly placed.

    Recently our adored president had some very serious medical complications which forced him into a position of resignation. In a Board of Directors and Officers meeting this last weekend we decided to make it official that myself acting as Vice President will now be placed into the position as the current president. I know, I know...Don't be too disappointed, we still aim to keep things running as smoothly as possible during this slight transition. We have a very capable team/staff on the PNWMAS crew so you can still look forward to the upcoming events that were planned before his absence.

    We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause to any members or vendors, please be understanding about the situation at hand, we all wish Stylaster well and hopefully a speedy recovery.

    Thank you all for being so understanding.


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  9. Yikes!!! The meeting is in less than 24 hours! I gotta get my coolers, bags, and rubberbands together to pack up some corals in the morning, gotta leave Corvallis before noon to make all the stops and meetings in Portland, it will be worth it though. Molokos with the right friends makes for a great night, see you all there.

    • Like 1
  10. So lets see here, I have plenty to cut and don't want to bog down the thread too much with pics...What does anyone attending have to trade and what are they looking for? Here are some sample pics to get things started, I have plenty more if someone is interested.


    Raptors Rainbows


    Pink Aussie Hyacinth, Twilight Dragon, Super Blue Stag, and Rainbow Tort, ORA Frog Skin, Upscales Microlados, and several others.


    Digitatas including the bright red and forest fire.


    lots of encrusters like this Super Red Cyphastrea


    Other Montiporas such as the ORA Supernatural.


    Different favia and favites like this candy crush.


    Maybe some mushrooms and ricordia  yumas too.

    • Like 4
  11. As mentioned in the September meeting thread the meet and greet at Moloko's would make an opportune place/time to have a frag swap so lets get one started here. These are the general guidelines I like to recommend for these coral exchanges.

    If you would like, you can do your trading on the fly by just bringing by a few pieces and hoping that some one will have a desirable coral you want...Or better yet, you can post up what you have to trade and work out a preemptive exchange here on the forums, that method always works best for me. You can feel free to use this thread to post your trade-ables in or start a thread of your own.

    But First, let me get you some of Bert's basis tips for success here.

    1.) make an attempt to have a fragment of reasonable size and health and try and get things cut and ready a few days to a week ahead of time to have the wounds healed up for the exchange. And double/triple check for pest invertebrates or algaes before sending your corals out, we try to keep invasives to a minimum here...And once you get your frags home, just in case, always acclimate the specimens then dip the corals before you put them into your personal aquarium. QT Aquariums are best but good old Revive, Coral RX, Melafix, Iodine, or Bayer will do much better at prevention than nothing.

    2.) Try to package your corals appropriately. This can mean not putting a spiny coral like birds nest into a thin dollar store bag or not utilizing insulation on an extended cold or warm trip. Try a small cooler or Styrofoam. If you can't find either of these and the destination is a long distance, keep the vehicle air conditioned or heated appropriately. As far as packaging goes you can double bag and use thicker mil plastics, or something else like a Tupperware or specimen container. I have even used washed out yogurt or cottage cheese containers that stack well inside the coolers. Just use something that will work, nothing like losing a nice and colorful animal because the bag got too cold and leaked all the water out on the way home.

    3.)Do your best to be courteous and fair to one another by not take advantage of each others ignorance or generosity. These are people of all levels in the hobby so give them the benefit of your knowledge and experience instead of the cold shoulder. And speaking of generosity, that giving nature has always been smiled upon here at PNWMAS and pay it forward tends comes back around these parts.

    Well, the meeting is closing in fast, less than two weeks yeah. I believe Christian who runs the place will also be interested in doing some trades as well, I imagine he will post up in the forum here soon. 

    So Let's see em folks,  Whatcha Got!? Corals that is!

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