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Everything posted by OwenReefin

  1. Welcome, Glad to see another local I can get my noob claws into for advise and help.
  2. Nice, A Corvallian? I don't know. Very cool to see you here. Maybe you can help me with setting up my tank sometime.
  3. All plumbed through a single sump? bad ***
  4. Ya decided to go with what you guys said and picked up a cheap snapper pump for 100. What kind of return pump we talking here? Submersible, and hopefully not as big as the snapper... It is a 1" overflow, so what kind of gph pump, 900 like you suggested? Also I need to start figuring out what type of skimmer would work, that doesn't blow my budget.
  5. Is it wise to convert the 1.25" piping down to 3/4. and the 1.5 to 1" ? or is doing this gonna mess with it too much? I'm thinking cheaper pump here, and less bulky piping.
  6. Haha that is the coolest fuge EVER.
  7. From the picture it is kinda hard to tell but the top is the overflow box, that is a 1". The one below it is the input to the closed loop system and it is 1.5". The four outputs to the cl are all 1.25".
  8. Ya I was thinking they were pretty large for this tank. I'll try and modify it. As for another bulkhead, sounds good.
  9. Ah ok I see. I don't have a pump yet, just looking into what I need for this system before I buy one. It's a 40 breeder. I've pretty much only have tank/plumbing/sump and will be buying pumps and everything else as I learn whats needed for what and where/how it goes. What gph snapper would be good for a 40b?
  10. It is a glass tank. Ok so remove the T with the nipple part so that it is truly closed looped. I need to create my own return to the tank? I think I'm piecing it together. I'll look into a snapper pump, plan to keep up to sps eventually, is a snapper good enough flow? Thanks for working with me, what would be the disadvantage to keeping the T'd part with the nipple? Failure?
  11. No return drilled at least, maybe the person who created it did an over the back thing. Would you know what kind of gph pump I would need for input 1-1/2 and 4, 1-1/4 outputs? Crazy.
  12. Ya i was wondering the same thing, that there wasn't a return from the sump. So the T'd off part is for water changes, not for a return from the sump? Hmmm.
  13. This will probably come across as sad, but I have acquired a tank pre-drilled and plumbed and I don't know how to set it up. :( So from what I gather there are 4 outlets and the lower middle is the input to the closed loop system and the top is an overflow to the sump. This is what the end of the input from the CL looks like, what is the T part suppose to go to? Or does it allow me to pump from the sump into the closed loop system? This is a closer look at the end part. I can get more detailed pictures. I'm sorry for this confusion, I thought it would be self explanatory. I place I got it doesn't know the original owner and never set it up. Hope this doesn't make me out to look too dumb.
  14. Just joined here, but I rock the Halo reach, soon Black Ops! Xbox live: Suzzle10
  15. Wow, makes me think I need to put some silicone down on my tank. Is this more a fluke than anything? Well the tank looks awesome combined Hope mine will look that good someday.
  16. Thx for the welcomes. Going to be attempting a 40 gallon breeder setup. I think it may be a good starting point. Ya go Beavs! Got some serious questions that are coming your guys way about the setup. Gonna be starting it's assembling soon.
  17. Hey, sup northwesters, I'm freaking out about finding this site, it is so cool to see a strong community in the NorthWest. My name is Zeth, I'm a grad student at OSU and after reading for three months in between text books, I have finally saved money and can start my TANK. (clap) So excited! Anyways, good to be here.
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