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Posts posted by Mohaynow

  1. Its really slow today so I took some pics! They are just phone pics but you get the idea.


    Just clowning around



    I can Acan!



    No one has fungia like we do!



    Dont watch the frogs, they are spawning! If duncan, the I can too



    Happy as a clam!



    Crocea later



    Nice to crocea!



    I can't think of a chromis pun



    Comew sailfin away!



    I'm only dangerous if you give me a chance to eat you



    We're on fire (fish)



    The king of the clams!


  2. those bad boys look sahweet! You might want to switch your ratcheting hangers around so the ratcheting part is on the light end of things. That way when you go to raise them you arent putting twice as much weight on your ceiling.

  3. I haven't seen any t-5 fixtures or retrofit kits with the dimpled reflector material, you normally see that used in halide. It'd be interesting to see how it works, but I think that if it was a big upgrade you would probably see fixtures coming with it from the factory.


    I think it works better with halides because the source of light is much smaller that it is in a florescent tube. A small arc tube vs a long tube. and the small dimples gather light from that smaller source better as where the smooth reflector shines the light in a wider angle wherever the reflector is pointing. Does that make sence? (scratch)

  4. If you are going to be changing bulbs soon, I would go with ati or giesman bulbs. I have an ati sunpower fixture and the bulb combo I use goes as follows


    1. Blue Plus

    2. Aquablue Special

    3. Purple Plus

    4. Blue Plus

    5. Aquablue Special

    6. Blue Plus


    Thats front to back. I have great success with just about everything I put in my tank, and if I don't. It's probably because of my maintenance.


    You might also be able to swap out the reflectors in the fixture you have. A good reflector makes the world of difference. I definately noticed when I switched from a tek light to an ati.

  5. Time to take down the quarantine system. I got a 40 breeder tank with a 2x4 stand (just 2x4's, no skin or anything fancy) and a sump. I think the sump is a standard 20 gallon tank. It has a few baffles in it. You can have the surface skimming pvc hang on the back drain that I made, it works pretty darned good.


    And the display tank has a hole drilled in the back towards the bottom, but it was patched with glass and black silicone. The back of the tank was also painted black (still has the masking tape even!) Anyways, $40 takes the whole outfit.


    Heres a pic of it all setup and running. Theres no other equipment with the tank aside from what is listed.



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