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Everything posted by Kimberlee

  1. thx,. no car. I really only planed on fish, and than I walked into the reef store
  2. Okay I think I can now say the dumbest thing I've ever done in this hobby is trusting the Portland water supply. I haven't gone out of my way to advertise the fact that I've been running off tap. I know how most of you feel about that. I even knew why. I still did it, mostly because of expense. With the changes portland has made to the water I need to get a filtration unit I will. In the mean time(because the filter isn't happening until after x-mass) I need to do a WC. Without a car I can't bring back 15gal a week on the bus. I did just realize though that by friday I can get a ride to the LFS and just get all I need for the month in 1 trip. Thats still friday though. Tank is starting to go south now. I need help getting water here.
  3. I've done that same test on fresh salt water twice in the last 48hrs(same bottle of test as in the pic) results were the same. Stopped me dead in my tracks on my WC
  4. going to do that over the next 2 months. only 2 are that old, the other fixture was added the first week of oct. so they're fairly new still
  5. 7 months,4 54 watt t-5's, 4" from top of water.2-10pm, actinics on at 2pm, sun 3-9. parameters are ammonia 0, phosphates 0, nitrates 0, mag 1300, cal 350. did i forget anything?
  6. Thanks Steelhead, I always have a little more concordance when you chime in. The only things that aren't right are theses zoos ,and one sps I just brought home. The zoos haven't opened in my tank, and let me include a pic of the sps The green looked like it was disappearing a long the base of the sps, but I think it may be recovering. Any thoughts would help, the zoos would be really nice, if I could save them
  7. Thank you, MVPaquatics. A lot of that confirms what I've read. How old is a tank before it's considered mature? or a least not new? Everything in my tank appears healthy, even thriving. I don't want to black out the tank, it's my favorite thing in the house, I just don't want it to get out of control either. I'll pick up some more scarlet red hermits and a phosphate pad early next week. I think it's time to get a move on my sump.
  8. Thx, Grassi. I will take you up on that.
  9. Okay, since the tanks still new I shouldn't worry about it yet? I do a 10% WC every week, should I change out more? It seems to be under control, never leaves the sand bed. Oh, nassaius snail are great I do need more though. How many of you guys run w/ out a sand bed? I here the maintenance is easier? What are the other benefits?
  10. 7 months, still new. I know there's phosphates I see them so to speak. It's only on the sand. I feed every other day. Just got rid of an engineer goby, who was constantly rearranging my sand bed. I suspect he wasn't helping. Is there anything else I can do? I mean before I go the Microbacter route? I will try it if all else fails
  11. Thx, as far as the Microbacter, I'll try that as a last resort. I'm trying so hard to avoid treatment that mean dumping things into my tank. I know sometimes it is necessary. I read some where I should only run my actinics for the next few weeks after, but I need to look that part up again. Any info on that part?
  12. I've been cleaning my sand bed for three days now, and finally got most the stuff up. All the bad thing read zero, Rose City even test a sample for me so I could be sure. I'm now ready to cover my DT for three days, followed by a WC. I'm kinda worried about my 2 sps'es and my BTA. Will they be okay for the next three days? Should I feed the tank, before I cover it?
  13. I have a few frags, not much. 1 candy cane, a green star polpy and a couple kanya trees. I really would just give them away, but if anyone wants to pick them up cheap, or trade some zoos for them all profits would go to the school project Here's a pic of the candy cane, I'll post pics of anything else on request
  14. Closed No, sorry. Busy/long day. Also closed my share the love thread today. Thank you so much. Please PM me.
  15. We also need 1 power head and a pump for the return
  16. Just came back from Rose City. I took a couple of pic, where the acan is fully inflated. Just so it can be seen, for the great piece it is.
  18. Kimberlee


    Hey Hozer Thx,again for that hammer. It's doing great looks good in the tank too. The pic you posted didn't do it justice, putting in my tank and finding that was the highlight of my day
  19. Kimberlee


    Cool, I was really excited to put an acan in my tank. Thought the colors and price were great too. Also I can have a little more confidence when I pick out my corals
  20. Kimberlee


    Here's the new one I got. I was thinking it is an acan, but after reading through some threads I'm not sure. It seems like an ID can be a little tricky. Can anyone confirm this is an acan?
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