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Everything posted by Hozer21

  1. Hozer21

    Artsy Pic

    It's a pretty nice picture
  2. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=22032 Here is my pics for now since I can't get to my computer right now my wife is working right and my laptop doesn't have any pics on it . I have tried to scape it off and it's harder than hell to take off in some spots and other its just fine . Let me know Thanks
  3. Thats awesome and Congrats and can't wait to see pics
  4. Ok so I did a 20 gallon water change today and changed the filter sock & if I'm to understand this correctly now I should do a water change every week ?? and if so how many Gallons should I take out ?? I also was talking to one of LFS owners and he suggested Phos-buster pro. Has anyone ever used it & if so does it work ??
  5. Well its just like freshwater cycle about 6 weeks or so and one of the best fish to start out with are damsel there the most hardy of the saltwater fish and welcome aboard and if you have any question and what not feel free to pm me
  6. Hozer21

    Crazy for LPS

    Those look awesome as well
  7. Hozer21

    Some SPS shots

    Those are some nice pic I wish I had some of those in my tank.
  8. Good luck and I bet you will b good in ur interview
  9. No refugium. No phospate removal system. Change the water Once a month & filter sock as well . Flow is two powerhead (Koralia 1) and a quite one pump (about 1000per hr) Fairly vigorous I have my lights all for a total of 6.5 hr an day(compacts ) (metal only 4.5 hr)
  10. I have had my tank set up for a while (8 months or so)now since I had to move it again for the last and finale time to where everyone could see it all the time and enjoy it like your supose to and now the only thing that's been really bugging (flame) is that some of the rock have green alge on them and some of my rock have allot green tint to them . What causes that and what can I do to fix it ?? I'll post pics tomorrow when I get a chance . It just really bugs me that my tank has green rock and hardly any coral line alge. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong all my corals are doing great and growing and the colors are great. I talk to a LFS owner and he said he didn't know . I use RO h2o all the chemicals (cal,buff,mag,& coral vital) and I have had the LFS check my H2O and he said everything was fine (ph,nit,nit,cal,am,) so the only that I can think of is that the h2o that I'm getting has a lot of phos. But I really don't know I thought I would ask u guys and hopefully u can help me with this problem because I would like my tank to look allot better color wise(u know the coral line alge & what not )
  11. Have you checked out http://www.aquatraders.com/ this where I got my lights from and I have been happy with them for a while
  12. How long did u acclimate ?? And what kind of lights do u have ?? How long has ur tank been up ?? & how long did these people have there anemones ?? I know when I first tried to have an anemone it didn't work I rushed everything . But one thing that I did really good with is bubble anemones . Have u tried those ??
  13. Hozer21

    My tank pics

    You should Roy you help me get started and thank you for that it really help me out. No that is an tube anemone and I have another one on the other side it is a maroon color thou & I do like my purple tang it's pretty cool & thanks I just started to do something with it
  14. Hozer21

    My tank pics

    Here are some pics as of today needs a little work still but I think its looking pretty good but that is just me because it my tank lol (laugh)
  15. that is a very cool starfish.
  16. Ok so does anyone out there use one on there tank or tanks?? If so why ?? how do they help your tank ?? I had one for a while just because I had that dam green water (flame) and with in a week it got rid of it and I really haven't used it since but was going to us it for a couple hrs at night but I was just wondering if anyone out use one or not . I know these might be dumb question but I just wanted to know the uv sterilizer does for your tank
  17. Ok guys I know there is allot of you out there that know how to do this so please help me out with some info on how to do it . I haven't (plotting) but would like to because there are about 3 spots where I can frag (It's a pinkish /whitish tree coral) I have had it for about 3 months or so and it has tripled in size . I like it and Its a nice piece in my tank but would like to frag just because its doing so well and it was the first coral I got when I set up my tank for the fourth time (flame), But anyways back to the question how do you frag a leather coral with out harming it or loosing it ?? I heard of a rubber band method & a razor method . Is there any other methods ?? So what is the best and safest way ??
  18. Welcome to the club and glad to see that u like what you do
  19. Ok everyone thx 4 ur help & good news got both the fish out thank u for all ur help
  20. Ok as of today I caught the saddleback clown yeah now I just need that dam damsel so we will see and I'll keep u guys up to date. I'm happy about one being caught now just need the other one
  21. Tanks looks great and happy to see it is doing good but you do have to watch out for the Those purple psuedo's can be real terrors sometimes .
  22. Thats great new about your wrasses and I would also love to see a pic . Isn't great when you thinks something is gone or dead and then all of a sudden you see it or hear it in my case . I got a red pistol shrimp and I didn't see or hear it for a couple days and then all of a sudden I heard it snapping its claw and I was happy as can be .
  23. Very nice pics and the tank looks great
  24. Thanks for all your advice on this matter and Ill try to make my own first to see if it works for me but if not Ill have to go rent own or something. I just don't feel like emptying :eek: my tank to get a couple fish out . Ill take my chances (scary) and we shall see but I'll let you guys know how it goes and thanks again for the info
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